Making The Right Decision

The lawyer sensed the hesitation in Father Bai's eyes, and decided to make his move. He pulled out his card from his briefcase and handed it over to him, with a confident smile. "This is my card. You can reach out to me when you make your decision. I'm sure you'll make the right one." He said, as he turned to leave.

Mother Bai glared at the lawyer with disgust, as she sniffed back her tears. Seeing the card in her husband's hand. She turned to look at him, her eyes blazing.

"Jingting, don't tell me you're going to agree to this nonsense, after what they did to our daughter." She said, choking up. "In case you haven't noticed, every report we have filed has been ignored, and not one news outlet covered our story. These people are truly heartless. They act as if they wouldn't try to tear this country apart, if our Lulu had done the same to their precious princess."