
"No, because we don't know what Malgorth is up to right now, and I don't want you to be put at a disadvantage." 

Hearing Malgorth's name, the expression on Li Na's face changed. Her brows furrowed and her lips tightened. She sat up, looking at Meilin with concern. "Did something happen?" she asked, worried.

"Why do you say that?" Meilin asked, curious. 

"Well, we only mention him if something bad happens," Li Na said, stating the obvious. 

Meilin felt worried about the new danger she found at the amusement park. She saw how it could control people's minds and feared for Li Na's safety, knowing she was powerful and could be a target.

"Nothing bad has happened yet," Meilin said, trying to sound reassuring. "But we need to be cautious."

Feeling dizzy, Meilin knew she had to leave before she collapsed. "Li Na, I have something for you." 

"What is it?" Li Na asked.