Chapter 1

And with that, my life took a very interesting turn, where I gradually, opened every single door inside the house only to find different sceneries unfolding before my eyes, some more horrifying than others.

Days fused, one into another, and time quickly lost its meaning. It didn't take long for me to give up on opening anything with a door and just sat on the sofa in the dining room, doing my best to stay awake, afraid of what might happen if I fall asleep. I removed all sofa cushions, to make sure if I wouldn't cave in and fall asleep. If I did, I would quickly wake up when I would hit the hard wooden frame.

Tethering on the edge, exhausted from the lack of sleep and malnourished, sitting on the cushionless sofa. I felt my head dropping to the side, jolting me awake. My body was surrendering, I hadn't eaten anything in a while, since anything with a door was off-limits. In my weakened state, I slowly succumbed to exhaustion and dropped on the hard sofa, after a long, drawn-out battle with myself. I succumbed and embraced the long-awaited rest.

Voices and heavy footsteps pierced through my laden haze but no matter how much I tried to open my eyes, I couldn't.

I felt arms wrap around me, warmth enveloping me like never before, but I wasn't strong enough to fight off my comatose state. I was too tired, drained of every ounce of life.

If they were the monsters I had seen each time I opened a door, I was ready to wave off my white little flag. My mind was registering very little of what was happening. Ebbing between reality, and unconsciousness. Arms wrapped around, head resting on something hard and warm, breath brushing on my forehead. I could only register, touch. It felt nice and soothing. Whoever was holding me, felt like home, safe. I made one last attempt to open my eyes, to catch a glimpse of the man or woman who held me but once more my body failed me. Or better said I had failed it, in my stubbornness to succeed on my own. I would have died on that hill.

The cold winter air prickled my skin, and I felt myself being lifted with ease. I weighed sticks and stones. I heard a door shut, warm air brushed against my skin and an unfamiliar scent invaded my senses. A musky, peppery scent, that brought me back to my senses briefly, before I succumbed again.

I felt like being laid on a bed, imbued with the same vibrant scent, and a deep voice pierced through the haze once more. It sounded familiar, but I could quite distinguish it. It was a man, maybe two men. And that was all, I had managed to hear before I slipped into unconsciousness altogether.