In the ensuing silence, I allow my mind to roam free, because my body is stuck in a moving car somewhere between Ettris district and Morston.
We are roughly halfway through it and most of the road that links the two districts crosses miles of grassy fields. Not much to see during nighttime other than the sky and sometimes on moonless nights, you can see the nebula in all of its splendour. No tonight though. Tonight is a crescent moon, and even in its waning light I can distinguish in the distance, the towering builds of Ettris kissing the sky, with its glow and full of life.
Even though my life has fallen apart one bit at a time, theirs continues undisturbed. Where is the justice in that?
The answer is none. Life isn't about what's just or unjust. Life is about making the most of what you are given.
The passing scenery blurs after a while, going unnoticed. It doesn't hold the eye like it used to. There is no marvelling left to do.
I've lost sight of my purpose somewhere along the way. I got caught and swept up in the illusion that I could have at all.
I could have Mason, the opportunity to study at a prestigious academy that would allow me to put my name on the map. And to top it all off keep Micah on a short leash.
We've already established that I'm incredibly good at telling the most fabulous lies. And here we are.
With a deep breath, one full of rueful sentiments, I resolve that the time for regrets has long passed. Mending that which has been broken is no longer an option. I'm well past the point of no return. From here on out is only moving forward. Pick up the pieces, and carefully try to find the nearest match.
Dawn creeps in painfully slow, and by the time the first ray of sun pierces the darkness, we cross the boundary between Ettris and Morston.
It's now or never.
I give Gerald the address, and he dashes through the empty streets, spurred by the incessant foot tapping that even to myself sounds more like a loud bang than a gentle tap.
I've kept calm all the way to Morston, mostly because I had no choice, but as we draw near angst quickly sweeps in, taking control of the helm.
In one swift sweep, Gerald pulls in front of Northenhay, and I jump out of the car before it even comes to a complete stop.
" Are trying to get yourself killed on purpose?" I hear Gerald say as I pass in front of the car, bound towards the short alley that leads to the front door.
It's still early in the morning, Enid and Mason should be at home.
I'm greeted by the same lofty front door that stands sentry at the entrance to Northenhay.
After all this time, I still find the entire scenery carved on the door stupendous, and incredibly puzzling.
Slowly, I push the door open, not even surprised that it's unlocked. The security of Northenhay is appealing, to say the least. I expected more from a former thief.
Silence greets me, and the occasional creak of the floorboards under my weight, but other than that, the house is as silent as a tomb.
I don't bother delving deeper, it would be a waste of time. Once again time isn't on my side.
I rush through the front door and I find Gerald still in the car with the engine still running. He'd anticipated the worst outcome.
The offices are my next destination. Thaddeus answered the phone when Gerald called, so he must be the one that Mason left in charge of the business while he was gone.
" We need to check the offices," I pant as I slide inside the car, Gerald revs the engine and bolts with a skid on the road that drives me into my seat.
Once we reached the offices, I realised that it was far too. Early for anyone to be in, but I check nonetheless to see if there are any signs of life.
Mason usually works long hours, I doubt that Thaddeus will adopt the same lifestyle.
When the knob locks in my hand, refusing to budge, I dash back to the car, and from there to our final destination. The academy.
Breathing in this kind of situation has never come easily. Panic is instinctual, but no matter how much I rationalise it doesn't make me feel any better.
We arrive just as the front gates open, we have to wait a little bit before that gap widens enough for the car to slip through.
When it does, Gerald steps on the gas forgoes the already laid path and drives over the well-manicured lawn. The groundkeeper is going to be out of his mind with rage when he is going to see all that grass destroyed.
Later, I tell myself.
We come to a full stop somewhere in between the main building and the west wing of the academy at an awkward angle, " You need to leave and don't look back," I say as I open the door, and Gerald gives a disbelieving look.
" Whatever you do, don't stay in Morston. I beg you" I slide out of the car before he can say anything and leg it up the stairs to the loft.
I need thay hilt that Laira made for me out of the seals meant to seal my fate and decahedron.
Thankfully, I'm almost at full strength but my stamina leaves a lot to desire. I haven't trained in what feels like aeons, and now I'm paying for it.
I've left it unlocked, just in case but as I approach the loft I see that the step ladder is down, and the hatch is open.
Someone has been in there looking for me or something else.
When it dawns on me, I rush up the steps, taking two at a time and ignore the bite of the rungs into the soles of my foot.