In complete silence, we sit like that and revel in each other's company. We've been caught in the rapids for so long that I'm afraid that once things settle, we won't know how to exist as a normal couple. Our bond has been forged in blood and tears, sanctified by damned souls, and sealed with the kiss of death.
A sob creeps up my throat and slips my lips before I smother it. I'd like to keep all those macabre thoughts to myself and bury them as deep as possible before they have a chance to flourish. Sometimes is impossible.
Slowly Mason lifts his head and looks up at me with furrowed brows. He rises from the chair and wraps an arm around my waist as he pulls me towards the bed. Gently, he pushes me down on the bed, and I fall on the edge of it trying to control the onslaught of emotions.
He might not understand what goes on inside my head, but nonetheless, he leaves me to be as sobs wrack my body. It's not just one thing, is everything that I've smothered, and pushed out of my mind in order to survive.
I knew it will come back to bite me in the ass but I didn't expect that it would be so intense.
It takes me a while to work through all of it, between sobs, repressed sad little whimpers, and tears but when I calm down, I find Mason watching me, wearing the same concerned expression. I don't remember ever crying in front of him, so I guess it was a bit of a shock for him to see me cry.
" It has been, " He heaves out a heavy sigh, " A lot," He gives me a rueful smile and begins to rub my back in soothing circles.
" In a nutshell," I say between hiccups, and take a deep breath, feeling slightly lighter.
" Wanna tell me about it," He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. The thing is, complaining to someone who has bigger problems than yours is a bit selfish. I've survived. Now it's done. It's time to move on.
Shaking my head, I look at him, " No. Maybe some other time. Right now we go hunting," Sort of speak.
We both stand up, and I reach for the change of clothes on the table while he discards the tattered ones he is wearing.
" You still haven't told me about how you plan on trapping Shay," Mason says as he pulls the shirt over his head.
" I'll let Laira explain, " He takes off his trousers while I nab the sword and weigh it in my hand. I haven't touched it since I made it but it feels different now. It feels lighter, and a tad warm to the touch.
" Ready when you are," Mason hobbles the few steps between us, keeping the weight off his bad leg. I wrap my arm around his waist so he can use me for support as long as he needs, and put the blade between us. I don't know where I'm going, so I'll need him to guide my hand and the blade.
Rising the blade we crest the air while we brace against each other for the shock wave to hit. When it does, we manage to hold our ground and not fall flat on our asses. The air ripples, and the fabric of reality thins, becoming limpid and fluid like a body of water.
It presents itself like a wall, a panoramic picture where you can see the destination.
We don't waste any time and slip through it, and emerge on the other side while the fabric behind us solidifies and the sandstone house disappears.
The room is nothing like I'd imagined. It bears no resemblance to Zareen. It is metal all around, and nothing else.
" Don't touch the walls. It will fry your brain," I sigh, my idea is not as original as I thought.
The masterminds that have been a part of the order have found a solution, knowing of the existence of a daiō who can control electricity.
The floor is made of rubber and so are the handles of the doors, as we move through the corridor. There is no doubt in my mind that my brother has already tried to get into this place, but since it's a gigantic Faraday cage it will take him forever to figure out how to get in.
" Does Enid know about this place?" I ask, as we pass yet another door and as we slip through, the lively chatter of people chatting trickles through.
It's a mess hall the size of a football field equipped with everything one could possibly need. There are sleeping mats on the floor, and tables have been shuffled to the side to make room for everyone.
Laira is the first to break away from the crowd, munching on an apple as she walks towards us.
" Alive and well," She chews and speaks, without a care in the world.
" Yes, I say and smile while my eyes inadvertently follow her hand. The one holding the apple. It has been so long that I have forgotten about him. Although, at the time I thought that he had been something that my mind had conjured up.
" Apple, " I shout, and the chatter slowly dies down and everyone looks at me like I've lost my marbles.
" Yes mistress," I'd recognise that small voice anywhere.
Laira cranes her neck while Jacqueline and Aaron rush towards us, pulling their weapons out, while Mason and I, look at each other for a second and then turn around in tandem to face the boy.
" You've summoned me. How may I be of service, mistress," He says with a polite smile, while I gape at him. He is small.
He looks, about five years old. He is a child. I don't have the heart to use a child to do my dirty work.
" You're a child," I say, trying to conceal my surprise but he smiles and nods.
" This is my first cycle," He beams. Gosh, he has no idea what he has gotten himself into.
" I see, " I look at Mason searching for answers but he just shrugs, just as befuddled as I am.