WebNovelTHE WARD98.28%


After the little confrontation in the barrack, things between all of us are beyond awkward. David barely spends any time around us, and Laira is huddled up in her barrack-like a mad scientist, with crazy hair and all. Aaron is the only one that dares to pass her threshold, without getting an earful or getting assaulted in any way.

Jacqueline spends all of her time sharpening blades like a psychopathic serial killer. She doesn't speak much but glares a lot.

That leaves Mason and I, we spend most of our time drawing maps from memory trying to find the right placement for the metal plates.

It has become clear that once the forcefield goes up, I'm on my own. The only thing I have to rely on is myself, and the skills I have cultivated along the way.

Brother dearest has about two millennia of advantage on me but I can't do anything about that, so all I can do is my best.

Days meld into one long string of planning, sleepless nights, and testing, a lot of testing, at Laira's insistence. When it comes to her ' babies' she is a perfectionist. One that drives me absolutely insane, and brings Mason to the point that he has begun pulling on his hair with frustration. 

" She needs to sleep," I say just as Laira takes an armful of decahedrons and leaves us, after yet another round of testing.

" Are you volunteering?" Mason asks with a quirked brow, and Aaron laughs.

" No," I nearly shout, and I don't even want to think of the implications of even daring to suggest that to Laira. She is constantly on edge. No one can get close to her, we all tiptoe, barely even dare to speak around her, because she loses it at the slightest change of tone or poor choice of words.

" I'll do it," Aaron volunteers, and Mason and I both take a deep breath.

" Are you sure?" Mason asks, and Aaron nods.

" What is she going to do? Stab me with the soldering gun?" He chuckles," Good luck with that," His hulking frame hedges between Mason and me, as he makes his way out. I have my doubts. In different circumstances, Laira would outsmart Aaron by using her brain power, but she is overtired, erratic and frankly a bit scary, so she might not be using her brain to full capacity.

Curious, we both trail slowly after Aaron, just in case he does get stabbed with a soldering gun.

We watch him slip inside the barrack, and stop at a short distance from the door. It takes literally about five seconds before a feral squeal rings in the air and then something crashes against the wall, setting off electrical sparks in the spot it hits and electrifying the metal.

" Get out," She screams, and then there is the sound of a scuffle, muffled screaming, and then silence.

Slowly, Mason pokes his head on one side of the door frame and I on the other," Now. Be a good girl and go to sleep," Aaron hums, coiled around Laira like a snake. She lets out a muffled scream against his hand, squirming in his arms like she is fucking possessed.

Her brain is fried. I know that feeling, but I'm not violent when I reach this point, I just pass out.

Aaron tightens his grip on Laira, her eyes meet mine and I can see the accusation in them. She will probably kill me for this, but it's for her good.

" Sorry," I give her a small smile and a wave," You need to rest Laira. It's been days since you last slept, " She glares balefully my way, and so much for my good intentions. She is definitely going to try and stab me for this.

" Be a dear, and close the door," Aaron says, straining against Laira's squirming. She ain't going down without a fight, that's for sure.

I pull on the door and look up at the night sky. The moon has a strange colour to it, it's almost orange. And I know soon enough there will be a pink one.

"Bedtime for you too," Mason wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side, " Please tell me that's not what you're turning into when you're tired," He chuckles," She is damn terrifying, and not much scares me," We both laugh, and I look up to find his eyes through the darkness.

" No. I turn into something much, much more terrifying," I try to keep the smile off my face.

" I pride myself for being an excellent judge of character, and I have to say, Miss Abernathy, that you have made a fool outta me," I wrap my arm around his waist, and he pulls me under his protective arm, even closer than we already are.

" I guess that makes me smarter than you," I grin up at him, and he grins back.

" I'll never contest that statement," He kisses my temple as we slide inside the barrack, and we turn to have one last look at the moon before closing the door. Tomorrow is the day, that we finally find out what fate has in store for me. Lose or prevail.

 Morning is blissfully quiet. Every morning, Laira has barged in at the crack of dawn demanding this or that.

Whatever Aaron has done to her, it has worked.

" Morning beautiful," Mason croones in my ear, and I tilt my head back so I can peck his lips.

" Morning," I whisper against his lips as he rolls on top of me.

" Do you hear that ?" He asks, grinning from ear to ear, and I can't help but laugh.

" No," I play along, and he drops his forehead on mine.

" It's quiet. The crazy has been tamed. Finally!" He heaves out an amused chuckle under his breath and opens his eyes to meet my gaze.

" You know what that means, right?" He asks, hopeful and I shake my head as a no.

He hums, suspicious of my intentional aloofness, " I can give you a hint if you like. In fact, it's so hard that you can't help but notice it," He rolls his hips, and it's not that I haven't noticed the iron rod digging into my thigh, but after waking up being poked in the back more times than I can count, it becomes something that you get used to. 

" Hint taken," I laugh when he rolls his hips a little more forcefully.

" Smart girl. Now open those pretty long legs of yours so I can abuse that tight little cunny," He presses a kiss to my lips, and when I don't move he slants his mouth over mine coaxing my lips and legs open at the same time.

Pulling away from the kiss, he settles between my legs, and throws them over his arms, opening me up for his viewing pleasure.

Licking his lips, his gaze trails down from my lips, to my breasts, it lingers there for a second, and then drops down between my legs, " You have the prettiest pussy I have ever seen," and I have seen a fair share of them, I fill in the blanks. His eyes lift to meet mine, and as he sinks himself into me, we both moan at the same time. My body bows off the bed at the feel of his length stretching me, demanding more, as he rolls his hips and seats himself to the hilt.

"Jesus fucking Christ. You have the best pussy," He moans as he slowly pulls back, savouring the moment, the feel of his length dragging against my walls has me reeling. It's too much and too little at the same time.

The pace is slow and erotic, he is taking his time so we can both relish this priceless moment of unity. This is not a quick fuck. It rarely is with Mason. He drops his head and takes one of my nipples into his mouth, his teeth pinch and roll while his tongue sweeps over it with slow, firm strokes. 

Our moans slowly become one as he times his tongue with the roll of his hips, my hands slip into his hair to tug him closer, just as my body bows off the bed to meet him stroke for stroke.

He pinches my nipple between his lips, and slowly pulls away, dropping my legs and settling next to me. The thick haze of pleasure gently thins just as he grabs my leg and throws it over his arm, before sinking into me again from behind.

He moans in my ear," This is a much better view," He pants between strokes, and I let myself slip into the daze of pleasure and revel in the bliss only he can bring.

" Good girl," He moans in my ear when I slip my hand between my legs, and gently roll his jewells in my hand, while I rub my clit with the heel of my hand. It is not that he is not enough to pleasure me, the arousal is at an all-time high, and my senses are overstimulated. 

 His moans grow louder and deeper as he pounds into me from behind, and I'm so lost in the feel of him inside me, the feel of his skin on mine. With his dirty whispers in my ear, the world around us disappears and it's just us making love.

" I love you so much, Canim," He moans, as he fills me, and I drift off deeper into a thick, and impenetrable haze of pleasure.

The feel of his lips, tenderly pressing on my temple, drags me back to him. He has wrapped himself around me," One day, this will be our everyday life, Canim," He grabs my chin and tilts my head back so I can look up at him with glassy eyes," One day," He presses a soft kiss on my lips," I'll claim you for the world to see," I smile up at him, and nod because I'm too spent to say anything.

His hand slides to my belly and settles there," When you're ready," He whispers and I know what he means without him explaining. One day I'll give us both, something I have dreamed of for so long to have with him.

I slide my hand over his and thread my fingers through his," One day, might be sooner than you think," I say softly, and watch as he stills next to me, looking perplexed. It has been a challenging month, I haven't exactly stayed on top of my medication that would prevent unwanted accidents. But if it were to happen, it wouldn't be unwanted.

" You're pregnant," He lights up like a Christmas tree.

" No," I laugh," Not yet, anyway, " I smile up at him and he slips from behind me to hover over me.

" You mean that there is a good chance that my little swimmers are doing laps of victory inside your tummy right now?" I can't help but laugh at the hopeful look on his face and the childlike gleam in his eyes.

" Maybe. It's too soon to tell," I giggle, when he frowns and kisses my tummy.

" You hang in there, little guy. I'll be waiting for you at the other end of the tunnel. Just follow the light when you're ready," He whispers against my belly, conspiratorially while I can't stop laughing at his antics.

 " You're the most beautiful woman in the world when you laugh," he says, full of admiration.

" I doubt that," I sigh satisfied and amused at the same time.

Pouting, " Well, you are in my world," He grins at me bashfully and I can barely even remember a time when this man was so far out of my reach that I couldn't possibly imagine a future alongside him.

It still is, to some extent. If I don't defeat my brother, then there won't be any future for anyone, at all.

Peppering kisses on my tummy, he crawls on top of me, and lowers himself on his elbows," You worry," He hums pensively, fiddling with a strand of hair.

" I do. I can't help it, Mase. There are so many things we don't know, " I shrug, and he nods.

" True. Apple should help with that. We need to get out of the Quarter before summoning him. I'm pretty sure that soon enough someone will catch sight of us, and I'd like to prolong that for as long as possible," He presses a kiss on my forehead and sighs.

" We should get ready, " He pushes himself up," As much as I'd like to stay in bed all day," He rolls off me, and out of the bed in one nimble move, just as the door swings open. Light streams through the open door, and I quickly recognise the frame of the man sitting in the doorway.

" Well, well," Graham croons," Would you look at that," He closes the door behind him while I wrap myself in the sheet.

" Christ Graham," Mason says exasperated, " Couldn't you knock and wait like normal people outside," Mason angrily tugs his trousers up, and throws a shirt over his head.

" Lily is naked. At least respect her privacy, if you don't give a shit about mine. What are you doing here anyway?" Mason starts to walk towards the door but Graham slides into the seat at the table.

" Really happy to see you too after the stunt you pulled last time we saw each other," He looks at me, with a pinch in his brow," Which, by the way, I had nothing to do with," I nod not yet sure where this is going, but happy that I still have a friend in Graham," I've seen Lily naked before. It's no biggie, right sweet cheeks?!" He sniffs around him with a grimace on his face," This place reeks of sex, just so you know," He tacks on, smirking at Mason.

" It does happen when you just had sex. Something you wouldn't know anything about," Mason throws back with a smirk of his own.

" Your aunt says hello by the way, and just so you know she is a firecracker in the sack," A wicked grin spreads on Graham's lips while Mason grimaces in disgust.

Rolling his eyes, Mason backtracks to the bed, " You should have stayed in the bunker. Shay can smell you from a million miles away. And we need to be as stealthy as possible," Mason changes the subject, and I'll never understand that side of the opposite sex. Going from insulting each other to a very amicable conversation, just like nothing happened.

" I know. I promised Timeea that I would watch your back," Graham shrugs, and the door swings open again. Mason groans, and Graham laughs," Busy morning for you Kinnaird," I roll my eyes and tug the sheet close just as Mason springs up to his feet, probably already fed up with everyone barging in at their heart's content.

" Everybody out," He shouts and Graham rises to his feet, as Aaron takes a step back, and stays in the doorway.

" How is our little mad scientist?" I ask Aaron before he takes his leave.

He gives me a sly smile," She is good. She slept like an angel," He turns and leaves me pondering on that little remark. Whatever that means, I have no idea. It's not the words that throw me off is the look on his face.

I look at Mason hoping he would shed some light on the matter, but he chuckles as if he understood the underlying message behind Aaron's words.

" Uff," Graham sighs, grabs the bag he dragged in and steps outside.

" I'll see you in a bit," Mason nudges Graham out of the doorway and closes the door behind him with an exhausted sigh.

" What did Aaron do to Laira?" I ask as I begin to climb out of bed and search for my clothes.

" You don't want to know. But it's nothing bad. No need to worry," I frown at him, and go in search of a towel to clean myself up, before dressing.

Mason comes to the rescue, with a damp towel in his hand wraps one arm around my waist, and slips the other one between my legs.

I stare into his eyes, and watch the smile on his lips grow wider with each stroke of his hand," Why are you smiling like that?" I ask as he pulls his hand away and throws the towel into the sink.

He shrugs," We are stranded in a place that barely qualifies as liveable, and I've never been happier in my life," He grabs the shirt off the back of the chair and slips it over my head. I can't argue with that.

He picks up the trousers next, and I lift my foot so he can put them on. He has done this before," I found a house," I lick my lips before I carry on, he tilts his head back to look up at me, with a quirked-up brow," It is beyond the boundaries of the Quarter. I wanted to buy it before Shay dumped me in the middle of nowhere," He visibly saddens at the memory of it, and rises to his feet, pulling my trousers up with him.

" I know that house. It's a beautiful house. I considered buying it when I made my first money, but Enid wanted a townhouse," He sighs, defeated. We haven't really touched the subject much. 

" Do you like it?" He asks hopeful and I grin back at him.

" I love it. It needs a lot of work though," I sigh, and take his hand, as we make our way towards the door.

" Then I will buy it for us," He grabs the rubber knob, and stops," But I'd like to do something before we head off to deal with your brother," His gaze locks with mine," Something I should have done a long time ago," He opens the door, and steps outside.

" What's that?" I ask and squint at the bright light of the morning sun.

" You'll see," He hums, enigmatically as we step onto the dirt road, and head off towards Laira's barrack.

When we pass it, I slow my steps, dragging him back a little, feeling rather apprehensive about his intentions.

" Mase," I call as soon as we pass Jacqueline's barrack. After hers, it is David's and I have no idea what Mason has in mind but it's not the right time or the right place.

" Mase," I tug back on his arm and dig my heels harder this time around. He stops, and turns to me, looking rather furious.

" He needs to back the hell off," My eyebrows rise until they reach my hairline when I realise that Aaron had filled him in on our conversation," Yes. Aaron did tell me, and the boy should learn to take a hint," Mason grinds out between clenched teeth.

" Mase," I try to calm myself down," Firstly, we have better things to do. Much better, and secondly this is not the time nor the place. Let David be. He is not in a good place, and I'd rather hash out the drama when all of this is over," I say pleadingly, as Mason looks at David's barrack over his shoulder.

" Fine. But he is going to get a piece of my mind sooner or later," He drops my hand and storms back towards Laira's barrack.

I set off after him, but I don't manage to catch up with him, his long legs eating the ground beneath his feet at his impressive long strides.

By the time I slip inside, he is already in deep conversation with Laira, Graham and Aaron.

" Lily," Laira beams, looking slightly more alive. She looks well-rested and normal. Not the lunatic that has been terrorising us in the past week.

" Hey. How are you feeling?" I ask, and try to catch sight of Aaron on the other side of the barrack.

" Better," Laira sighs," I'm ready. Are you ready?" She frets and I'm dying to know what Aaron did to get her to calm down.

" What did Aaron do to you last night?" I ask and Laira pretends to be busy doing something with a wire. It's just a piece of cable, not connected to anything, so I tilt my head to the side trying to get a glimpse of her reaction.

" Laira?" I press on, slightly worried now. I trust Aaron because Mason does but I don't know much about the man. I'd have been more comfortable with Louis and Carter, but they stayed behind to man the bunker with everyone in it.

" Nothing," She says nonchalantly and throws the wire on a table," Come on. Mason said that we are going to see a house," Laira threads her arm through mine, and drags me outside, while the men are closely following behind us.

" Right. Yes, I wanted to buy it before all of this happened," I shrug, and Laira hums at my side while Aaron vanishes behind one of the barracks.

" Is it nice?" She asks as a car engine rumbles nearby.

" It is. I like it. In fact, I love it, " I try to tone down my excitement at the thought of the house," It's in desperate need of some love and care, but it has an amazing view. You'll see," I say just as Aaron pulls next to us, the passenger doors swing open, and we both climb into the rundown car.

" Someone needs to point me in the right direction," Aaron says as he revs the engine, and the car lurches forward.

Mason gives him the directions. I've only been there once, and even then I wasn't exactly paying much attention.

" So, Laira. I hear that you are the brains behind this operation," Graham hums from beside Mason, and Laira turns to look at him over her shoulder from the front seat.

" Flattery won't get you anywhere," She smirks at him, and Graham smirks back.

" Trust me it got me into plenty of places. Most recently, between the legs of a beautiful woman," He counters back, making everyone laugh. That's the Graham I know.

" Now, if I had any doubts in the past, it has become pretty clear that you are in love with Mason, and Timeea is as close as you are going to get to shove your dick in Kinnaird's holes," Aaron quips from the front seat and we all laugh.

" I've already done that," Graham chuckles," Kinnaird doesn't do justice to the family heritage," He tacks on, just as we slip over the Quarter boundary, and into the open field. The house sits sentry over the cliff, and from where we are, we can see the apex of the roof jutting up.

Sighing, Mason slips his hand into mine, " Just for the record, Graham has never been anywhere near any of my holes," He mumbles into my ear, and I look up at him and can't help but smile.

" I know," I say softly, just as Mason drops his forehead on mine.

" Whatever he is telling you, is probably a lie," Graham chimes in from the other side of Mason, and Mason elbows him in the ribs.

" You've had your fun, now cut it out, " Mason growls, just as Aaron pulls the car at the back of the house. It doesn't look as bad on a second look, but as soon as the car stops everyone pours out and spreads to the four corners.