WebNovelTHE WARD100.00%


The smell of coffee wafting to my nose drags me from my deep slumber. The feel of crisp sheets wrapped around my legs, and the warm body lying next to me, offers me a short reprieve from a past filled with angst, questions and pain.

Turning to look at him, I find him holding his cup of coffee in one hand and the newspaper in the other, just like nothing ever happened.

" Morning beautiful, " He pecks my lips and then leans in to press an open-mouth kiss to my growing belly. I am beginning to show now, and ahead of us looms the wedding from hell. Ava vanished mysteriously and so did the mayor. At this point, the hoity-toity elite in Morston have worked themselves up in a tizzy over their disappearance. I've asked Mason if he had anything to do with it, but he only shrugged in response, offering nothing more than silence in return and that is all the answer I've got. Do I want to know? Not really. Mostly because I know I won't like the truth.

" Morning," I stretch my limbs, to loosen up the knots, and push myself up to lean against the headboard.

He offers me his cup of coffee, one habit he has picked up since we lived like destitutes, huddled up in a small barrack in the Quarter. 

Only this one, to my dismay, has no caffeine in it. 

" What's the news today?" I ask as I take my first sip, trying not to grimace at the thought that the coffee has no kick to it.

" Well, the contractors are making good progress on the house. We should be able to move in a couple of months. Just in time to decorate before the baby comes. Eric is still mad at me for marrying you and causing a scandal, but we are invited to dinner tonight, so don't spoil your appetite by eating too many pickles," He winks at me, and I laugh. I churn through a few jars of pickles every day, the only thing I seem to crave.

" That's not what I asked and you know it?" He shrugs and takes his eyes off the paper to look at me, suppressing a smile.

" Apple is making good progress in rounding up the Daiō. The council is almost complete, give or take a few rogue Daiō that refuse to accept the new changes. He is positive that he will have them eating out of his hand in no time. Provided that he finds them. Enid is doing well. She is still refusing to leave them. Whatever Bartholomew did to her has outlasted him. The only legacy he has left behind us is a woman that is still loyal to him, for some god-awful reason," Mason heaves out a deflated sigh and reaches for the cup in my hand.

" Do you think I did the right thing?" I ask, still at odds with my decision, even though we turned it over many times, and debated endlessly.

Lowering the paper in his lap, he wraps his hand around mine, and brings to his lips," You're doing the right thing. Stop doubting yourself. It's time for a change, you said it yourself. The Ephemerae have been leading the Daiō for many generations. It's time for a change of hands. Fresh blood, fresh eyes, and Apple is the perfect choice. His childlike size is quite deceiving, he is smart, and he knows the rules of the Daiō. And we want a different life unless you've changed your mind," He presses his lips in a thin line, waiting for my answer.

" No, not at all," I push off the headboard and settle opposite him on the bed so I can see him better, " I just worry, that is all. So many things can go wrong," Mason nods, and hums.

" We can handle it. You still hold the power for now. Once Apple has received the blessing of the Daiõ, he can finally strip you of your powers," We found a workaround, among all that debating, and arguing we did over a month. The link to the Whiteheart is vital for this to work.

Fortunately, Mason is the Head of the Order, and Eric has no say in this. There are risks since I'm pregnant but there are also risks if I remain a contender for the Er'Shala. I'm screwed if I do, I'm screwed if I don't. 

" He is moving as fast as he can, considering that the Daiō are quite elusive creatures, so far he has done a pretty good job, " True. Better than I would have done.

That puts my restless soul at ease for the time being anyway.

" So what are we doing today?" I change the subject, just as Mason tugs on my hand and pulls me into his lap.

" Jacob is coming to check on you and the baby around noon. And " He clears his throat," I think you should finish up that business plan you've made, so we can get started," He suggests as I lean my head onto his shoulder, his arm wraps around my waist and the other falls protectively on my belly.

" Can't we just stay in bed for the whole day?" I look up at him with hopeful eyes, and he shakes his head.

" We've left a permanent imprint on the mattress. It's time to face reality. No point in hiding in here forever. They will talk and point at us, regardless. So let them. Let them run their mouth all they want. Let them point at us all they want. Truth is, it only matters what you and I think. And I think that you and the little bundle of joy growing inside you are the best gift life has ever given me. Wouldn't you agree?" His hand slides under my chin to tilt my head back so he can look at me.

I agree, and I don't but for now, he doesn't need to know.

" I do," I lick my lips, and I feel my nose scrunch up before I can stop it. I hate that I lied to him and that he knows it.

" Canim," He runs the length of his nose on mine," We've talked about this countless times. The cat is out of the bag, my love. It will die down. They will get bored eventually, and find something else more interesting to gossip about," He says calmly and I know he is right, but I can't stop myself from thinking that we have become the talk of the town, and how much I hate it.

" You're right. Is Timeea coming over for the dinner?" Once again I change the subject hoping that it will lead to a more light-hearted conversation.

" Graham and Timeea will be joining us, along with a few other people. It's more like a party, than dinner," He sighs and presses a gentle kiss on my lips.

He picks up the coffee cup off the bedside table and offers it to me. It doesn't hold the same appeal without the caffeine in it, so I decide to wait until we get out of bed and make it to the kitchen so I can sneak one behind his back.

" You can have it," I push away the cup with a grimace, he laughs and drains the cup, before returning it to the beside table.

" It's time to wash up and get ready," He announces as he slides out of the bed with me in tow, and carries me to the bathroom. I don't argue with him, plus Harriet should make an appearance fairly soon. Marie has returned to Varan, after the incident at Antoine's request. Thankfully he didn't get dragged into this, but he did sell the house they were living in together, so I guess that was enough to persuade Marie to move back.

He drops me to the floor to turn the shower on, while I slide off the straps of the slip dress I'm wearing, while I wait for Mason to turn around. The bump is small, barely noticeable through clothes, but when I'm naked it is visible. I've learned very quickly that he loves to speak to the baby every chance he gets.

He fiddles for a minute or so with the shower knob to get the temperature right and turns to me still wearing his pyjama bottoms.

The grin that stretches from ear to ear is something I'll never get tired of. His eyes shine with adulation as he drops to his knees and presses a kiss to my belly, caressing it, and whispering tender words to his son or daughter. Mason is hoping for a girl. I'm happy with either, as long as it has ten fingers and ten toes.

" Good morning, my princess," He whispers tenderly, kissing the rounder part of my belly.

" I hope you slept well. I've been awake for hours waiting for your mummy to wake up so I can speak to you," He pouts, while I slide my hands through his hair, summoning as much patience as I can to live through the entire speech. He goes on and details the plans for the day, speaking about Apple and Enid, and everyone we know and is a part of our found family. He does it every morning, like a ritual, and I have to sit through all of it. A mere spectator, to this wonderful display of fatherly love.

It might sound a bit tedious, but I love every second of it. I love how protective he is, and how much he never tiers to show me how much he loves me. Every day, I fall in love with him all over again. 

We've been through a lot together and apart, but that only made us stronger rather than tearing us apart.

Once he is finished speaking to our unborn child, he grabs my hips in his firm hands, and looks up at me, with glazed eyes," You're the love of my life. True love is a rare gift, and I've been fortunate enough to have found you," He rises to his feet, and pulls me closer to him," Never forget how much I love you," He presses a kiss to my forehead, before dropping it to rest on mine.

" I won't, " I whisper, against his lips, as I wrap my arms around his shoulders, preparing myself to be swept up.

" No, you won't because I won't let you," He slants his lips over mine, and his hands drift over my behind kneading the flesh before grabbing the back of my thighs and hoisting me up.

Lost in our frenzied kiss, he drops me onto the vanity, and my ass hits cold, damp marble, as he ravages my mouth

His hands slide into my hair, tangling in the knotted locks. I respond with the same impassioned fervour, our tongues tangling together in a well-practised dance. We take our time to explore each other like we've done countless times, my hands drift over his muscular back, my nails dig into the soft firm flesh, as he grinds his length between my legs. Our moans mingle, as I slide a hand between us to dispose of his pyjama bottoms.

Panting he pulls away, licks his lips, and looks at me like he could eat me alive. His hand slides between my legs, finding me soaked and ready for him. He lets out a groan of satisfaction, as his fingers slide lazily and playfully between my folds. 

" Aren't we in a rush this morning," He hums with a sly smile on his lips, and leans in to press a more tame kiss to my lips as his fingers slide into my pussy, gently curling in a come hither me gesture. My body bows bringing us closer, as his mouth drifts to my neck, nibbling and sucking on my flesh. A whimpering gasp, tears out of my throat as the rush of pleasure washes over me. 

" Spread those beautiful long legs for me, Canim," He murmurs hoarsely in my ear, as his mouth slowly descends on my breasts. His mouth latches onto my nipple with a low guttural growl, while his fingers continue to curl and fondle me, fanning the embers burning in my belly. His tongue swirls around my nipples, as he bites down on it, with perfect pleasurable pain.

Slowly, I unhook one leg from around his waist, and prop my heel on the edge of the bathroom counter, as he lets go of my breast, his teeth scrape against my sensitive nipple, drawing a whimpering gasp out of me. His deliciously perfect lips and tongue trace my skin, laving me with attention, as I unhook my other leg, prop my heel on the edge of the bathroom counter and spread my legs wide open just as he likes it.

Dropping to his knees he presses a kiss to my inner thighs before placing his palms there to keep me from squirming out of his reach.

With eyes boring straight into my pussy, he licks his lips, with a wolfish grin," Even your pussy is the most beautiful I've ever seen," He groans, as his tongue peeks between his lips. I watch with rapt fascination, as his eyes close with sheer pleasure the moment his tongue touches me, tasting me. 

" Fuck me," He growls, as his mouth, and tongue begin to devour, and plunder me beyond any reason, leaving me completely senseless. It can only be described as savagery, the way his tongue invades me, the way his teeth bit into me, making me gasp for my next breath. Waves of pleasure surge through me, making me wanton, desperate to have more of him.

" Mason," I heave a feral moan as I reach my peak. The orgasm rips through my body like a calamity, leaving behind a whimpering, sobbing mess.

I feel him pulling away, and before I know it, his hard length invades me, painfully stretching me beyond my limits. He sinks into me in one stroke, and drops his forehead on mine, just as I open my dazed eyes to meet his gaze.

" Best mistake I ever made," He pants, as his mouth takes mine in a passionate kiss. He grips my hips, fingers digging painfully into my flesh, as he pulls back, leaving a void behind that only he could ever fill. Our incandescent flesh, our brightly burning souls would never be the same again if we lost one another.

The only sound that leaves my lips as he slams into me, is his name. The only name I've ever known, the only man I've ever loved and the only man my soul has craved with avid desperation.

Our animalistic moans and flesh slapping against flesh, are the only sounds that fill the room. We are the only two people in the world at that moment. No one else but us.

Everything fades into a haze of delicious pleasure as he tips me over the edge, following after me with a long guttural groan that reverberates through me, reaching the most hidden recesses of my soul.

He folds me into his arms, bringing me to his chest. With the feel of the rapid rise and fall of his sweaty chest and the loud drumming of his pounding heart into my ear, I drift off into everlasting bliss.

" I've always loved you," He murmurs into my hair, brushing away the damp locks that stick to my face, " I just didn't know it," He presses a tender kiss to my forehead.

" It's our time, my love," I'm too spent to respond but I nod into his chest so he knows I'm listening. 

Love is a strange thing. It can tear you to pieces, leaving you feeling like a shadow only having a glimpse of the light but never quite being able to touch it, but it can also make you invincible. Capable of overcoming insurmountable tasks. It teaches endurance, patience, understanding, and the meaning of sacrifice.

It all comes at a cost. Life is all about balance. Otherwise, we wouldn't know how to appreciate the good without the bad. It all must exist to experience what being alive truly means. All the better, if you have someone as unique as you are to share it with.

The end