Chapter 22: A Moment of Life and Death

After leaving the ROSE bar, Yang Chen drove straight back, but he almost took the wrong road because he was still getting used to the fact that he had moved into the luxurious villa at Longjing Gardens. The thought of returning home and possibly facing Lin Ruoxi's beautiful yet icy face unexpectedly filled Yang Chen with a small sense of anticipation. His wife always made him feel an urge to tease her, as if they were sworn enemies from a previous life.

As the car entered the outskirts, just after exiting the highway, Yang Chen suddenly noticed a car behind him repeatedly shining its headlights at him. Furrowing his brow, Yang Chen chose to switch to another lane, but as soon as he did, another car behind him began shining its lights at him, creating a strong reflection in the car's rear view mirror.

At this time, the traffic on the outskirts' main road was sparse, with two lanes going in one direction. Yang Chen felt a bit frustrated as he realized that he seemed to have caught the attention of a group of street racing enthusiasts...

However, the BMW M3 was not an ordinary car. It was practically the pinnacle of mass-produced sports sedans, a level that ordinary cars couldn't catch up to. It was clear that this group of street racers had some impressive rides of their own.

Sure enough, before Yang Chen could think of how to deal with the situation, two cars suddenly zoomed past him from both sides! One black, one white. The BMW M3, with a speed of 120 mph, was easily left behind. Shortly after, the two cars positioned themselves side by side in front of the M3.

Yang Chen finally got a clear view of the two cars in front of him. To his surprise, they were a Ferrari F430 and a BMW M6! Both cars were supercars that surpassed his M3. Although the F430 was considered an entry-level Ferrari compared to other models in the Ferrari lineup, it was still a Ferrari. Its top speed of 320 mph was not just a boast, but a roar of its engine.

As for the BMW M6, although it only had a difference of three from his own M3, it already belonged to the BMW 6 Series. Dealing with a 5.0-liter engine was not an easy task.

Yang Chen felt somewhat helpless. If it was just the two cars in front of him, he had confidence in using his exceptional skills to find an opportunity to overtake them and leave them behind. However, when Yang Chen caught a glimpse of the car right behind him, he had no choice but to give up. It was a fiery red Porsche 911!

This Porsche, which had a history of over forty years, had undergone numerous updates and generations, but its core technology remained virtually unchanged, reflecting the unimaginable level of its overall performance.

His BMW M3 fell short of their top speeds by seventy or eighty miles per hour. There was no way he could shake them off. Seeing these cars, Yang Chen had a realization. These guys were definitely not a gang of robbers on a joyride. People who could afford these cars certainly weren't short on money. It seemed they were just bored rich kids out to have some fun with his sports sedan.

Once again, Yang Chen couldn't help but lament the current state of the world. While children should focus on their studies, they were causing trouble instead. Yang Chen couldn't be bothered to fight with them. It was better to avoid unnecessary complications. So, he slowed down his car, intending to let them pass first.

However, as luck would have it, before Yang Chen could reduce his speed, the Porsche behind him started honking its horn. And following suit, the two cars in front also slowed down, sticking to his car and refusing to move away!

According to current regulations, if the car behind were to crash into the one in front, the owner of the rear car would be responsible for all the damages. Given the current situation, if Yang Chen were to collide with the two cars ahead, he would have to compensate both drivers. On the other hand, if the Porsche rear-ended him, he would only receive compensation from one person. So, this deal would definitely result in a loss for him!

After understanding the intentions of these spoiled brats, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Yang Chen's mouth. How perverse it was... When it came to playing with cars, he might not be considered world-class, but he was definitely top-notch. He had driven dozens of famous cars on the Nürburgring track in Germany, and most of them had come close to the records those cars could achieve.

After a brief calculation, Yang Chen decisively decided to deliver a heavy blow to these guys. As the saying goes, learn from your mistakes. Since their parents hadn't taught them a lesson, he, as a young uncle, would take on that responsibility.

In just a moment of contemplation, Yang Chen's hands were already in action. Clutch, brake, handbrake, and a sharp turn of the steering wheel! After a series of dazzling adjustments, the entire M3 executed a drift, making a 180-degree turn in an instant!

"Squeal, squeal, squeal..."

The tires created a piercing friction sound against the asphalt, and the white smoke appeared particularly striking in the night.

The red taillights drew a beautiful and rapid red line as the M3 surged forward, colliding head-on with the Porsche 911 behind it!

This sudden turn of events left the drivers of the surrounding cars dumbfounded. How did he do that?! Drifting?! Did he think he was Takumi Fujiwara from Initial D?!

However, the instinct of the Porsche driver told him that this guy was planning to crash into him head-on at a speed of over 100 kilometers per hour!

The two roaring cars were like two raging projectiles about to collide violently!

The Porsche, with a speed exceeding 160, saw this scene and had almost no time to hesitate. The driver could only yank the steering wheel and veer the car towards the parking lane by the side of the road!

What terrified the drivers of the several cars was that the BMW M3 didn't show any intention of changing its course. It went straight through that lane!

If the Porsche hadn't changed direction immediately, it would have been a catastrophic accident with severe injuries and total destruction of the vehicles! One of them might have been crushed into a pancake!

Cold sweat started to form on the car owners as they realized this guy was risking his life! Wasn't he afraid of death?!

The M6 and F430 ahead came to a stop, parked by the roadside. Two young men wearing branded T-shirts stepped out, their facial expressions showing displeasure as they blocked the lane.

Yang Chen slowly turned the car around and parked it by the side of the road. He got out of the car and walked towards the two individuals. He knew he had to explain clearly, or they wouldn't move aside.

The owner of the Porsche 911 also got out of her car, surprising Yang Chen. It turned out to be a girl, but her appearance was remarkably unconventional. She wore a pink mushroom-shaped wig, a white cartoon T-shirt, and ripped short jeans. To make things more striking, the girl had two skull-shaped earrings and silver cross bracelets and necklaces. Despite that, her face was fresh and beautiful, with a hint of youthful charm in her eyes. However, she still had the appearance of a teenage girl, as her figure hadn't fully developed yet. She seemed to be in high school.

The girl's radiant eyes stared directly at Yang Chen as he approached. When he got closer, she suddenly extended a delicate, fair hand adorned with a small purple butterfly tattoo and revealed adorable tiger teeth as she crisply smiled, "I'm Tang Tang. Nice to meet you."

Yang Chen looked at Tang Tang in surprise. He expected her to cry and create a scene, but she was instead friendly and wanted to shake his hand.

Without much hesitation, Yang Chen reached out and lightly shook Tang Tang's hand. "I'm Yang Chen. Can't say I'm thrilled to meet you all."