Chapter 44 Three of them

Yulei International truly lived up to its reputation as a company led by women. The cafeteria on the fifteenth floor was decorated in a bright and spacious manner, with pleasing colors. From the large floor-to-ceiling windows, one could enjoy views of the surrounding cityscape of Zhonghai. The tables and chairs were a fashionable mix of silver-white plastic and metal, exuding a strong sense of style. The lighting fixtures in the cafeteria were also elegant and refreshing, with various crystal glass pendant lamps. Potted plants were sparsely placed in the corners, their delicate green leaves indicating that they were well taken care of.

At the counter where they swiped their meal cards, there were bar-style tables, and the food service staff wore clean white uniforms, welcoming everyone with a smile.

When Yang Chen entered the cafeteria with the three women, he didn't attract too much attention. After all, while men were relatively rare at Yulei International, they were not nonexistent, particularly in the Public Relations Department. Moreover, with over two hundred employees in the headquarters, sitting on this floor made them less noticeable.

Seeing Yang Chen looking around with interest, Zhang Cai smiled and said, "How do you like it? Our company's perks are among the best in Zhonghai."

"The design is great. I feel hungry as soon as I step in here," Yang Chen honestly replied.

"The cafeteria renovation was personally designed by the CEO herself. Since she took office two years ago, the company's performance and benefits have significantly improved. We truly admire her," Zhang Cai said with some pride.

The CEO? Wasn't that his own cold and aloof wife? As Yang Chen thought about it and looked at the neat and tidy decor around him, he couldn't help but agree. Indeed, when he took a closer look, the entire decoration was in cool tones.

Suddenly, Zhao Hongyan turned her head and said, "Speaking of the CEO, I just remembered, what happened when she called you to her office yesterday?"

"I told you already, she just wanted to check in on the new colleague," Yang Chen evasively replied.

"I wouldn't believe you," Zhao Hongyan pouted, knowing she couldn't get any more information. She changed the question, "Hey, Yang Chen, when you saw our CEO, what did you think?"

"What do you mean?" Yang Chen asked.

"Are you from Mars or something? When you joined our company, didn't you know that our CEO, Lin Zong, is known as the most beautiful woman in Zhonghai's business world?" Zhao Hongyan looked skeptical.

There's such a title? Yang Chen really had no idea. He chuckled and said, "She's alright, just cold and gives me the creeps when I look at her."

"The CEO is supposed to have a different kind of temperament," Liu Mingyu, who had been silent all along, suddenly chimed in, followed by Zhang Cai and Zhao Hongyan agreeing in unison.

Yang Chen was somewhat surprised. He didn't expect that in the eyes of Yulei International employees, Lin Ruoxi's aloofness was seen as a unique temperament, and they seemed to hold her in special respect. It seemed that regardless of her personal charisma or management methods, his beautiful wife was truly extraordinary.

After the four finished getting their meals, they sat at a larger table. It was then that Yang Chen noticed a separate space in the eastern part of the cafeteria, separated by carved glass windows. Inside, the tables were colorful, and there were sofas and leather chairs of various shades.

"Why are there so few people sitting there? It looks more comfortable. Why don't we go in?" Yang Chen asked curiously.

The three women glanced at each other, and Zhang Cai answered, "That's the dining area for the company's high-level executives. Only those at the deputy ministerial level or above can enter. The meals for the high-level executives are also different, prepared by a dedicated chef."

"It's a shame that such a large space has so few people," Yang Chen felt a bit regretful. "We might as well sit there. It's a waste to leave it empty."

Zhao Hongyan said, "Those who have reached the deputy ministerial level or above are usually busy entertaining. Who has time to eat at the company cafeteria every day? But don't even think about going in there. Rules are rules, and we, as ordinary employees, should focus on our own work."

Liu Mingyu chimed in, "In a way, it's also a motivation policy for regular employees. Differences in treatment can ignite people's sense of competition. It's necessary, in my opinion."

Yang Chen looked at the chicken cutlet and cauliflower on his plate. They were prepared quite well, but the portion size was small, and he felt a bit frustrated as he smacked his lips. "The portions are small, both the food and rice. I finished it in just a couple of bites. It's not as satisfying as the fast food boxes I used to get for five yuan in my previous small restaurant."

The three women looked at each other, all wearing puzzled expressions. In fact, they had no idea what the five-yuan fast food from the market and small restaurants was like. Seeing Yang Chen's unsatisfied look, they instinctively used their chopsticks to transfer some of their own food from their plates to Yang Chen's.

"We usually can't finish our meals, so have some of ours," Zhao Hongyan said helplessly with a smile. "If you eat with us in the future, we won't waste food."

Just then, a group of people entered the restaurant, and many of the employees inside stood up simultaneously, showing a hint of nervousness as they greeted the newcomers.

"Oh, the CEO and the ministers are here. The ministerial-level meeting must have ended," Zhang Cai exclaimed, stopping her actions and standing up along with the other two women.

Leading the group was none other than Lin Ruoxi, her high-wrapped black hair, untouched by powder, and her flawless moon-like face. Her icy temperament, as distant as a thousand miles away, like a goddess from the Tian Shan mountains, appeared even more stunning against the backdrop of her all-black suit.

She was a woman who didn't need makeup and could radiate charm wherever she appeared.

The other high-level executives who appeared alongside her confirmed this. Most of them were female executives, dressed appropriately, with elegant demeanors. Some were in their middle age, while others were youthful and beautiful. Among them was Mo Qianni, Yang Chen's superior in the Public Relations Department. However, at this moment, these radiant beauties, following behind Lin Ruoxi, seemed like stars and moons hidden behind the sunlight, no longer as dazzling.

But after just a quick glance, Yang Chen lowered his head. He felt that the current situation was better suited for eating rather than observing.

As everyone in the room stopped their actions and stood up to greet, Yang Chen, who was silently devouring his chicken cutlet, became an outlier.

When Lin Ruoxi walked past Yang Chen, she didn't pause for a moment, nor did she even glance at him, as if she didn't recognize him at all. In fact, when she had just entered the room, she caught sight of the three women sitting with Yang Chen, transferring their food to him. This scene immediately displeased her.

Her cheap husband seemed to treat the company as a place to pick up women! And not just one, but three of them?!

On the other hand, some other executives who noticed that Yang Chen didn't eagerly try to please them and instead focused solely on eating felt somewhat annoyed. They couldn't say anything, but they intentionally or unintentionally made a mental note of this person and put him on their blacklist.

Mo Qianni, with her dazzling beauty and a pale yellow suit, had been in a meeting early in the morning. She hadn't seen Yang Chen yet, but when she witnessed this scene, she felt a wave of unpleasantness. Suddenly, something came to her mind, and a hint of mocking ridicule flashed in her eyes. She paused briefly next to Yang Chen and said, "Yang Chen, prepare yourself around three o'clock this afternoon. We have something to take care of." After speaking, she walked away without even looking back.

Yang Chen swallowed the food in his mouth. He knew very well that this female boss, who clearly didn't like him, was going to play some tricks again. He was just about to make up an excuse, saying that he was "busy," when he saw Mo Qianni earnestly discussing something with another high-level executive, completely ignoring him.

"Good luck," Zhao Hongyan blinked at Yang Chen from the side.

Yang Chen shrugged his shoulders, smiled indifferently, and continued to bury himself in his food.