Chapter 48: The Two Most Terrifying Types of People

Yang Chen chuckled and couldn't help but laugh again.

He never expected that someone pointed a gun at him just yesterday, and today someone else came with a gun to deal with him.

"Manager Guo, don't you realize this is a hunting rifle used by Americans? Why point it at me? I'm not a deer, let alone a black bear."

Guo Ziheng thought Yang Chen was scared and sneered, "In my eyes, you're just a rabbit waiting to be slaughtered. Do you think I can't hit you within a distance of four or five meters with a long-range rifle?"

Yang Chen raised the corners of his mouth and confidently took a step forward. "Care to guess?"

"Don't move! I'll shoot if you take another step!" Guo Ziheng's cheek dripped with cold sweat as he roared loudly.

Yang Chen remained unfazed and continued to stride forward.

"I'm standing right here, the gun is in your hands, the bullets are in the gun. What to do, how to do it, it's all up to you," Yang Chen casually flicked the cigarette butt to the ground, extinguished it, and kept walking.

Each step he took resonated with the hearts of everyone present, like thunder striking at the core of their beings. With every step Yang Chen took, it felt like their hearts were being pounded like drums.

A pin drop could be heard, and the air seemed to have been sucked dry in that brief moment. In the entire office lobby, only Yang Chen's slow and steady footsteps remained.

It was merely a distance of four or five meters, just six or seven steps, but everyone's hearts were in their throats, frozen in place.

Even the two men who had been easily knocked down by Yang Chen and lay on the ground in pain held their breath as they watched the scene before them.

Guo Ziheng's finger only needed to lightly pull the trigger to unleash the violent bullet that would pierce through the flesh and blood before him!

Yang Chen's expression was calm, as if he was simply walking over to shake someone's hand. His indifferent gaze made it seem as if the moment of life and death in front of him didn't exist at all!

All of this lasted only a little over three seconds. By the time Yang Chen reached Guo Ziheng, his face had turned deathly pale, covered in cold sweat, and his eyes were vacant.

"In this world, there are two kinds of people who are the most terrifying: the first kind is the madman, and the second kind is the one who is not afraid of death. The reason why madmen are terrifying is that they may not fear death. As for me, I'm not even afraid of death. Do you think a gun can still be effective against me?" Yang Chen chuckled lightly as he effortlessly snatched the Lefa gun from Guo Ziheng's hand, who had completely forgotten to resist.


With a casual twist of his hands, the metallic Lefa gun snapped as if it were a reed.

This scene, this sound, seemed to bring everyone back to reality. Everyone's hearts trembled with fear!

This... Isn't this a scene only found in Hollywood movies!? Is this person a superhuman!? He even snapped a rifle!

Tossing the broken Lefa gun aside, Yang Chen clapped his hands and smiled mockingly, saying, "Mr. Guo, can you go get your checkbook now?"

Guo Ziheng felt as if he had returned from the dead. His whole body trembled as he looked at the young man in front of him, who smiled at him like a monster. Since he entered the underworld, he had seen ruthless individuals, but he had never encountered someone who didn't fear death. What was even more terrifying was that the young man's gaze seemed to tell him that even if he fired a gun, it would still be useless against him!

How could it be possible? Could there really be someone in this world who isn't afraid of bullets?

"I don't care about money, but I care about my life," Guo Ziheng said fiercely. He wanted to maintain his dignity as the last boss of the underworld.

"Tsk tsk," Yang Chen shook his head regretfully. "Why don't you understand? If you really could defeat me, you would have fired the gun just now. The fact that you didn't dare to shoot shows that you still fear life and death. You can't beat me. Don't force me to do something I haven't done in a long time."

"I admit you're more skilled in fighting than me, and you're bold, but I won't give you any money!!" Guo Ziheng slammed the table fiercely, his face twisted in a grimace.

"Then don't blame me. I've already become much milder," Yang Chen revealed a sinister and slightly excited smile. He swiftly turned around and moved behind Guo Ziheng. At the same time, his hands exerted a sudden force, moving so quickly that Guo Ziheng couldn't react. He had already grabbed Guo Ziheng's arms at their joints!

A kick landed on Guo Ziheng's leg joint, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground!


The sound of bones interlocking filled the air as Guo Ziheng let out a painful roar. His two arms had dislocated starting from his shoulders!

One of Yang Chen's feet stepped on Guo Ziheng's lower leg, preventing him from standing up. Guo Ziheng could only writhe at his waist, but every time he moved, Yang Chen pressed down harder with his foot, leaving Guo Ziheng no choice but to stop moving!

"What... What did you do to my arm?!" Guo Ziheng gritted his teeth in pain, turning his head to glare at Yang Chen, his eyes bloodshot.

"It's nothing, just dislocated your arm joints starting from your shoulders," Yang Chen replied cheerfully.

"You... Do you think I'll give you money and surrender like this? Impossible!!" Guo Ziheng shouted loudly, while his subordinates trembled in fear and dared not move. Seeing their boss being beaten and kneeling on the ground, they didn't dare to approach.

They joined the underworld to survive, not to throw their lives away.

Yang Chen waved his finger, "You're wrong. This is just the beginning. How could I stop at just one thing for you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Chen's hand grabbed Guo Ziheng's arm again.


"Ah!!!" Guo Ziheng screamed in agony. "What did you do again!?"


Once again, the sound of bones dislocating echoed.

Yang Chen grinned with satisfaction, "It's nothing, I just disassembled your arm, then reassembled it, disassembled it again, back and forth a few times, just to practice my skills. It seems like I'm a bit slower than before. I guess it must be quite painful for you. Don't worry, I'll practice a few more times, and you won't feel much pain anymore..."

Demon! He's a demon! This man is a demon!!!

Guo Ziheng completely broke down. He knew that if things continued like this, he wouldn't die, but the suffering would be worse than death. It meant that life was worse than death!

The pain in his arms and legs felt like daggers piercing his heart. His brain almost went into shock several times, only to be pulled back to consciousness by the unbearable agony.

"I... I'll give you the money..." Guo Ziheng couldn't bear it any longer, after Yang Chen realigned his arms once again.

Guo Ziheng's lips turned blue, his voice filled with a hint of sobbing. Yes, he cried. He shed tears. There was humiliation, resentment, but above all, there was the pain that forced them out.

"That's more like it." Yang Chen released Guo Ziheng's arms with satisfaction, chuckling in his harmless manner. He said, "But, Mr. Guo, considering the series of harm your company has caused me, I think besides the remaining four hundred thousand as the final payment, you should also compensate me for the mental damages. Oh, and since you've owed me money for so long, let's add some interest. By the way, it would be nice if you could reimburse the medical expenses for those people you've previously hurt. What do you say..."


"What about me? You won't give it? Fine! Then we'll continue..."

"No, no, no! I'll give it! I'll give it all!!" Guo Ziheng wailed, his nose running and tears flowing.

Only then did Yang Chen reveal a toothy smile. He pulled over a chair and sat down, looking at Guo Ziheng, who was crying on the floor. "Since you're giving it all, hurry up and write the check. I want to wrap things up. By the way, arrange for a car to take me back to Yulei International. I didn't bring any spare change for a taxi."