Chapter 69: Who Are You?

Yang Chen couldn't believe it. Lin Ruoxi had been kidnapped?! But wasn't she supposed to be recuperating in the hospital?

"Mrs. Wang, explain clearly. What happened?" Yang Chen's mind suddenly became clear and he regained his composure.

"I just received a call from Mr. Lin. He said to go to Warehouse 84 at the easternmost part of Zhonghai Port. Miss Lin and Miss Mo have been taken there... and... we're not allowed to call the police, or else..." Mrs. Wang's voice trembled, accompanied by sobs.

"Mrs. Wang, have you confirmed this?"

"I have..." Mrs. Wang replied, her voice choked with tears. "Even the nurses at the hospital were anxious. Miss Mo went for a walk with Miss Lin in the garden and they never returned. I've asked the hospital to keep it confidential for now, but rumors spread like wildfire. What should we do?"

Such a thing happening to a father and daughter, Yang Chen couldn't help but regret not incapacitating Lin Kun. This man had a "virtue" of his own—resilience, not shedding tears until he saw the coffin!

"Mrs. Wang, don't worry. I will handle this. Wait for my instructions at home." Yang Chen tried to calm Mrs. Wang before hanging up the phone.

Yang Chen felt puzzled. Considering Lin Kun's capabilities, he shouldn't have been able to kidnap two grown women from the hospital garden and transport them to Zhonghai Port by himself. There must be someone else, an expert in this field, assisting him. However, after the incident involving Xu Zhihong, which had already pushed Lin Ruoxi to her limits, it was unlikely that he would help Lin Kun. So who could it be?

Although he knew that Lin Kun definitely had intentions to lure him in and take revenge, Yang Chen worried that he might have done something to the two women beforehand. He decided to set off quickly.

Back in the office, as the women looked at him in astonishment, Yang Chen didn't stay long and swiftly ran out of the office, leaving the women puzzled.

Zhonghai Port was one of the largest ports in the world, and its immense size was truly awe-inspiring. It was impossible to grasp the magnitude of its grandeur without experiencing it firsthand. Like hundreds of football fields connected together, the port had numerous warehouses, some of which were abandoned, especially during the off-season for sea transportation. Many areas were desolate, devoid of human presence.

The vast blue sea stretched endlessly, and amidst the sound of waves, the port seemed particularly deserted.

As Yang Chen entered the port area, his car raced on the smooth ground. In the distance, the white sports car appeared as a missile cutting through the coastline of the port.

Yang Chen focused his attention and scanned his surroundings. He stepped on the accelerator, watching the numbers on the warehouses by the roadside. After driving east for nearly ten minutes, he finally found Warehouse 84, marked with large red letters.

The entire warehouse appeared dilapidated and worn out. The rusty iron gate was slightly ajar, and debris, such as abandoned stones and lime powder, was piled up at the entrance, creating a messy scene.

The closer Yang Chen got to his destination, the calmer he felt. Honestly, the word "kidnap" had always been something he used on others. He never expected someone would come to kidnap his woman—although that icy Miss Ruoxi might not think of herself as his woman, it was enough to make Yang Chen feel helpless and amused at the same time.

With a confident demeanor, Yang Chen closed the car door and glanced around the warehouse, furrowing his brow. Although it was difficult to detect, his keen awareness allowed him to observe that several hidden corners of the warehouse had been manned by professionals for surveillance. Their angles were perfectly positioned to monitor every detail of the warehouse. If he wasn't mistaken, they also carried medium-range firearms.

This was a professional international-level gang. Yang Chen found everything starting to get interesting and even felt a sense of excitement.

As he stepped through the warehouse entrance, a musty odor filled the air. The spacious warehouse floor lay ahead, with sunlight streaming in through a few dilapidated windows, casting a dusty haze in the air.

In one corner of the warehouse, Yang Chen spotted two figures bound together. Lin Ruoxi and Mo Qianni were sitting on a chair, their hands and feet secured by leather ropes, unable to see each other's faces.

In front of them, a group of athletic men wearing various colored short sleeves had gathered. They varied in build, some robust, some lean, but most had a dark complexion, indicating prolonged exposure to intense sunlight. What caught Yang Chen's attention was that when they saw him enter, they showed little interest, as if they didn't care about him at all, continuing their conversations. What intrigued Yang Chen even more was the weapons they carried on their backs—almost all of them wielded powerful assault rifles such as AK-47s and M16s.

Yang Chen was well aware to elude their surveillance and carry out a kidnapping operation in Zhonghai Port required considerable skill.

While Yang Chen pondered these thoughts, Lin Kun, who had been smiling flatteringly at a few burly men, finally noticed him. A sinister smile of hatred instantly appeared on his face.

"Mr. Lin, is this the person you wanted to capture?" The leader of the group, a short-haired man wearing a white sleeveless shirt and military camouflage pants, held a Desert Eagle in his hand—a handgun that only truly powerful soldiers could handle. He asked Lin Kun in English.

At this point, Yang Chen had already approached, and upon hearing the man's English accent, he was slightly surprised. It was a Vietnamese accent.

"Yes, Mr. Long, I hope you can catch him. I want to send him to hell with my own hands!" Lin Kun said fiercely.

At the same time, Lin Ruoxi and Mo Qianni, sitting on the two chairs, noticed Yang Chen approaching. Lin Ruoxi looked at Yang Chen with a complicated expression, her fair face tinged with despair. Mo Qianni wore a mixture of determination and astonishment, as if she couldn't believe that Yang Chen had come alone for the two of them.

The tall man named Long glanced at Yang Chen and said expressionlessly, "Mr. Lin, I must say, the price you paid for our services is not worth it. If it's just dealing with this man, one of my men would have been enough."

The several muscular men with guns beside him wore smug smiles, clearly acknowledging their leader's assessment.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Kun said, "No, Mr. Long. After I deal with this brat, I will obtain the shares that should have belonged to me from that wretched woman. The money I gave you means nothing compared to what I will gain!" He revealed a fervent desire on his face as he looked towards Lin Ruoxi in the corner.

In fact, years of reckless spending had reduced Lin Kun's original 30% stake in Jade Luster International to nothing. He had gradually sold off his shares to other shareholders, leading himself to a dead end. This time, he had sold off his remaining shares just to make a final desperate attempt.

Fearlessly, Lin Ruoxi looked at Lin Kun, devoid of any emotional fluctuations, and said calmly, "Lin Kun, you've truly disappointed me."

The realization that there was no turning back made her address Lin Kun by his name rather than calling him father.

Little did they expect that in such a dire situation, another man who was originally unrelated to all of this would calmly face the consequences that shouldn't have befallen him.

With a hint of guilt, Lin Ruoxi looked at Yang Chen. Although her impression of this man was unfavorable, she couldn't deny that she was moved by his arrival here alone.

"Lin Kun, you're not a man! How could you treat your own daughter like this!" Mo Qianni, with her fiery temperament, couldn't hold back her anger any longer and began cursing.

Lin Kun burst into loud laughter, his gaze turning sinister as he looked at Mo Qianni. "You wild brat, I've disliked you for a long time. After this is over, I'll give you a proper 'education'! If it weren't for the old lady protecting you, I would have had my way with you hundreds of times on my bed! Who do you think you are? Just a bitch raised by the Lin family!"

"You shameless, despicable, and vulgar man!" Mo Qianni's face flushed with anger. She struggled, attempting to free herself from the bindings, but the expertly tied knots rendered her efforts in vain.

Seeing Lin Ruoxi's apologetic gaze and witnessing Mo Qianni's courageous resistance, Yang Chen couldn't help but develop a greater appreciation for these two women. One had a sense of right and wrong and gratitude, while the other showed no fear of authority, displaying integrity and bravery.

Unfortunately, throughout the course of human history, women always played the role of physical vulnerability. The emergence of feminism in the world was due to women not receiving equal treatment, with the most direct reason being that women simply couldn't overpower men.

The current situation was as such. No matter how radiant these two women were in the business world, no matter how many men they defeated, when faced with the most primitive and crude attack methods, they had nothing to do besides putting up a verbal fight.

He didn't pay much attention to the argument between Lin Kun and the two women. Instead, he looked at Yang Chen. Seeing that Yang Chen showed no signs of fear, he approached with a hint of appreciation and spoke in English, "Although you are about to be sent to hell, you are a brave man. I will make sure your corpse remains intact."

Yang Chen smiled strangely and looked at the man with interest. He opened his mouth and said something that Lin Kun and the two women couldn't understand.

"What's your name, Mr. Long?" Yang Chen asked, still smiling.

The tall man was slightly surprised, furrowing his brow, and responded in the same language, "You can speak Vietnamese?"

"Who is Long Zan Huang to you?" Yang Chen continued asking with a smile.

If speaking Vietnamese had already puzzled the man, then when Yang Chen continued to ask about "Long Zan Huang" in Vietnamese, the man's face was filled with shock!

"Who are you exactly?" The man's expression became serious.