Chapter 161 Jane

This was a Western woman with a radiant cascade of chestnut waves, her figure tall and elegantly curved. Lavender eyeshadow adorned her eyes, and her lips were tinted a rosy red, while her languid and radiant gaze exuded allure. Her fingertips sported noticeable black nail polish, and her skin, while not exceptionally fair, seemed smooth as cream under the lighting.

She sported a rather punk outfit, but what was unusual was that she wore a form-fitting qipao adorned with dark purple orchid totems, emitting a strong sense of Chinese charm.

However, upon closer inspection, one could discern that she had seamlessly fused the alternative and the classical, harmonizing these two extreme cultures perfectly. 

Without a doubt, whether it was Li Muhua, Lu Tao, or even Mo Qianni as a woman and a beauty herself, they couldn't help but think in their hearts—she was truly stunning.

But the one who was most shocked was Yang Chen!

How could it be her!?