
Trevor was at the Library. His head was about to explode. He had to turn in his maths assignment that day and he could not even get past the first equation. It stressed him out.

He always wondered why he needed an unnecessarily long equation to find the 'x' when he could always just circle it on the question paper.

Also, how the hell is he supposed to prove that it's a circle? Are mathematicians that dumb that they can't figure it out by just looking at it?!

He had gone to the library, even though he hated the grumpy old lady who was the school librarian. Now, he wondered what evil took over him when he thought that would be  a great idea.

Was he trying to look like a nerd or what?

The librarian held a grudge against Trevor for some reason. He couldn't quiet understand why.

Sure, he had put the science books in the classic literature section a few times, even though he knew exactly what he was doing, and he had sneaked in a few bundles of comic books and graphic novels into the collection of Shakespear's classics, but that was not much of something to be angry about, now, is it?

It was supposed to be fun....

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stuuupiidd!" Trevor muttered continuously, disappointed at himself as he got the equation wrong for the fifth time. Everyone in the library eyed him wearily. He dumped his head in to his book and cursed himself and everything and everyone.

He hated studying for Christ's sake. That too mathematics, with a lots of troubling equations and confusing problems? Ew, ew eww

He was done with all of this. He couldn't stand another second doing this assignment.

He grabbed his papers and stomped out of the library, ignoring the death glare that the librarian send his way for the unnecessary noise he made while stomping the floor so hard.

If it wasn't a library and one of the many duties of the librarian was not to keep the pin drop silence, she would have thrown a bunch of ceramics at his head and yelled a pretty number of unholy words at him for what Trevor was doing at the moment.

Trevor knew the teacher was going to chew him out if he did not turn in his papers today. Well, he gave zero fucks about it.

Assignments be damned...

He was glaring at his papers so much that he forgot to watch his surroundings. He bumped straight in to something and fell on his butt.


"Hey, Watch where you're going"

Trevor looked up to see someone he hated so much towering over him -- Charlie. And was he smirking down at him?

Trevor's expression turned into an angry scowl.

He found himself examining the body features of Charlie. His jaws looked even better from down there. He didn't even have a double chin. The cleched jaw was so appreciable.

It made a perfect angle and his ---

Speaking of angles....

Trevor suddenly remembered his papers. It was shattered around him and Charlie seeing them was the last thing he needed.

He began to gather all of his papers in a hurry, cursing under his breath as he did so.

Damn it!

"Well, well, well. What have we got here?" Charlie mused as he grabbed a paper from Trevor's hand and started reading its contents. A small smile began to form in his as he did so.

"Hey, give it back!" Trevor grimaced as he picked himself off the ground. He tried taking away his papers off of Charlie's hand.

All his efforts were left in vain.

Charlie held him at arm's length and continued to read it. Trevor could only protest so much.

Why the hell does he have to be so strong?!

Charlie's expression softened and his eyes relaxed. He looked like he was trying to stifle a laugh. "What the hell, dude?" He asked Trevor, gesturing to his papers.

Trevor felt his cheeks burn red from embarrassment. "Shut up, you" he gritted out and He finally managed to grab his papers back.

"You do realise that you got that equation wrong, don't you?" Charlie asked leaning himself on to the wall, crossing his arms over his chest, a playful smile still dancing on his lips.

"What is it to you anyway?" Trevor spat, his voice full of venom. He was feeling so awkward and annoyed at the same time.

Charlie let out a soft chuckle and shook his head. "Just asking" He was so amused by the angry boy in front of him.

Trevor clicked his tongue. He saw no reason for him to stay there any longer. "Asshole" he mumbled as he walked away with his papers.