
Trevor knew he was out-numbered. How many of them were there? One? two? Five? Yeah Five. Five against two. There was no way he would win. Conner had tried to help when he Trevor was met with someone's fist. But someone blowed a punch to his gut and he went flying into the trash can nearby.

Trevor beat up almost all of them. Almost.

But as mentioned before, they out-numbered him. And just when he thought the fight was over, each of them started picking themselves off the ground one by one.

"Shit" he muttered. There is no way in hell he was going to win this fight.

He wiped off the blood that dripped down his forehead. He desperately tried to keep his stand as he tried to blink away the black blobs that darkened his vision. He looked to his side and saw Conner trying to pick himself off the trash can he was dumped in.

He just couldn't afford to fall unconsious now. Not yet. He felt bad for putting him through all of this shit show. He should have just listened to him.

Damn it, get yourself together, you!

"You think you are better than us, You bastard?" Luke hissed, his face an ugly mix of black and blue. Trevor smirked at the piece of art he had made on Luke's face.

Trevor's smirk only added fuel to Luke's anger. He ran towards him and swung his fist at Trevor, but Trevor ducked down, ignoring the punch and landing a graceful and heavy punch on Luke's gut.

Luke grunted in pain. He knocked at Trevor's shin and Trevor went down, holding his shin and grumbling out curse words at Luke.

Luke stumbled backwards as he tried to hold his ground.

Trevor pulled himself up and straightened his back. He grunted as he felt his muscles sore.

Why can't Luke just stay down....

He leaned forward and slammed his fist  against Luke's nose and heard a loud crack.

Luke fell to the ground with a loud thud, howling in pain.

"You sonnuva!" He yelled in a muffled voice as blood dripped through his fingers and ran down his hands and Trevor felt satisfaction wash over him as he grinned evilly, like he made an achievement of his life-time.

Trevor was so enjoying the pained yelling of his foe that he failed to hear running foot steps approaching him from behind him.

Someone grabbed him from behind and shoved him to the ground so hard that he yelped in surprise and in pain.

He heard Conner yell out his name as someone brought down their elbows hard on his chest, knocking the wind out of him.

He coughed so hard and wheezed for air as a stinging pain ran throughout his sore body.

He tried getting off of the ground, but was ruthlessly shoved back down as Luke kicked him down on his face hard with his dirty shoes.

He winced as all of Luke's posse kicked him in the abs and shins and wherever they could get their filthy legs on. He would not be surprised if he gets a broken rib or two after this.

His body is going to be so sore...

It hurt...so much...

The last thing he remembered before blacking out was the stinging pain that went through his body every single time someone kicked him and him wincing and wheezing on the dirty ground of the alley. Darkness consumed him as he desperately gasped for air to get into his burning lungs.