
"It was his idea! I had no other choice." Charlie argued, pointing his finger at Trevor, who was just standing by with a poker face, watching Josh and him having a heated conversation.

"What do you mean, you had no choice?! Do you even realise what you have agreed to?" Josh asked, trying his best to keep his composure. True, he wanted Trevor to spend the weekend with them- at any cost. But he couldn't believe Charlie agreed to let him take alcohol with him.

How old were they?!

Even worse, he never knew Trevor drank. It disappointed him a bit.

If Jia was to know something like that... They would better be dead.

"Aye, aye, people, now, Listen" Conner walked up to the duo from besides Trevor and started to speak. "First of all, Liquor is not really as bad as you think it is. Second of all, Trevor is the kind of guy who passes out after drinking two glasses of wine. It'll be just fine, trust me. It is not like we drink a whole gallon of that bitter shit, anyway"

"Hey!" Trevor scowled at Conner for his remark.

"Just speaking facts, buddy" Conner said as he patted his own head.

"It's a lot coming from a guy who is scared of freaking clowns" Trevor muttered under his breath.

"Yo! Clowns are scary!"

Trevor put on a disgusted face, earning a scowl from Kon. "What are you, ten?" Trevor murmured again, only to have Conner bronx cheer at him.

Josh sighed exasperatedly.

There was no way in hell that he was going to win this argument. He might as well give in to whatever this is. As long as what Conner says is true, if it is true, there shouldn't be any trouble.

"Alright, whatever. But this stays between us, okay? And Kon, Do Not breath a word about it to Jia" he said in a warning tone. "If you do, I would not stand responsible for the consequences that may come"

"What makes you think I'm going to tell her anything?!" Conner sounded betrayed.

"Kon, you are the baby of the group and babies are so easy to be manipulated. You would tell her everything if she buys you an ice cream, wouldn't you?" Josh asked folding his arms over his chest, daring Conner to say otherwise.

Kon cringed his nose up and clicked his tongue. "Well,... You might have a point there"


Conner nodded to himself. He really had to get a hold of his tongue. But was he really that transparent and easily intimidated? He could actually keep a secret if he wants to.... But really, where's the fun in that?

Conner felt a little voice in his head laughing evilly.

No, he will never change the way he is....

"Well, how about a sleepover, then?" Conner shreiked as another new idea for having fun popped up in his mind out of nowhere.

"No!" The answer came in two diferent voices, and the other two alternately looked at Charlie and Trevor.

"C'mon, it'd be fun!" Conner started whining with his famous puppy eyes. The puppy eyes with which he could seemingly get anything and everything done.

Charlie closed his eyes and started chanting a series of countless and breathless 'no's.

He'd set up a weekend get-together at his place. But he would never, ever do a sleepover. He was afraid it would turn out the worst way it could. He really had no intentions on messing up things any further.

Trevor just stood there with his arms crossed over his chest and a tired expression.

What was the point of all this?....  Imbeciles...

He just wanted to go home and play vedio games.

As the three idiots he call his friends did quiet a show in front of him, he looked around and eventually, found a place to sit down, not so far from where they stood.

He walked over to a bench and sat on it, with one of his legs resting on the other knee.

He took out a cig from his pocket and lighted it.

He let his mind wander to some distant land, watching birds fly around in the evening sky as he blew out tiny clouds of grey smoke into the air.

He took a deep breathe.

Ah, this was peace...


Trevor was snapped out of his day-dreaming when he heard someone stomping towards him.

"Why are you sitting here?" Conner asked, his voice similar to a ten year old, who just lost an argument.

Oh, maybe, he just did...

Trevor didn't say anything. He just blew a mouthful of smoke into Kon's face.

Conner coughed out. "Y-you bitch!", he managed to say in between coughs.

"C'mon let's leave. You were right. Charlie is a graduate level party pooper. He just can't get the fact that sleepovers are fun, through that thick skull of his"


"Even, you are acting different lately! What, did he convince you to be a party pooper, too? You are no fun anymore!" Conner complained as Trevor got up from his spot and dusted his pants.

Conner turned his face away when Charlie approached them.

"You think so?" Trevor asked, raising an eyebrow and his voice growing mischevious with every passing second.

"Hmph, yeah" Conner mumbled as he too got up from his spot, Trevor's eyes following him as he did so.

"Aha" Trevor's smirk gre wider as he punched Conner in the gut and sweeped him off of his feet.

Conner yelped in surprise as he fell on his butt. Before he knew it, Trevor's fist came flying his way.

There, he missed this...

A smile grew on Kon's face as he dodged the punch and the both of them started wrestling on the ground. Trevor tried hard to punch through Conner's shielded face. It was fun.

It all happened in a moment and by the time Josh and Charlie realised what was going on, a frown overtook their face.

"Aw, guys, Come ooonnn! Not again...."