Lights flicker across the streets--turning themselves on after a long daytime filled with battle and running. Running mind you, from a destructive barbarian. There's nothing more that I want to do than to stick KillerZone's hammer up his own ass and cauterize it with fire. All the bright sky blues also dim as each ray of light from burning flames cross under the horizon.
What is going on with The Laughing Clowns? Who is their boss? At this point I'm thinking its KillerZone, but even then that sounds a bit much. A bit too easy. It would make more sense if they were under someone with knowledge of the update better than anyone--like the weird guy that gave us the update.
Across the street from the main highway out of this city stands a one story building. Hiding its greenery to its side, many bushes cover the left side of the busy than the right. The grass has been left to grow although it feels intentional. The doorway seems closed--secretive. Bland bone-white is painted on the walls, sometimes you can catch a gray or maybe a black depending on how the light hits. Its screaming for me to open every nook and cranny.
"Non-Descript he says. Couldn't be more inviting." I say. I cross my arms and take gander at the building between glances at Yuuzuko and Aoi--their faces seeming preoccupied.
Yuuzuko walks ahead hands in his pockets, "Well then lets go. The sooner we're behind walls the quicker we get to talking."
"Don't know why you have to be so melodramatic, Yuuzuko. You're pissed about something. I get it. Stop acting like a coward about it and put your big boy pants on." I say. He's probably gonna complain about something stupid like always.
"Guys, just wait till we enter the house. I'll mediate." Aoi says.
"Fine." Yuuzuko and I reply simultaneously.
The house is boarded up, after hearing some commotion from the left side, we all investigate and find a bunker door unlocked. Probably left open by that younger kid working for Mom. What's his story by the way? Might help me to know his Element, Class and AI. For now I have my bets on Gunslinger and Shadow.
Getting closer in the voices don't seem to be those of Mom and the kid, its of two men. One has a voice similar tone to one of Mom's secret servicemen. The other is unknown.
I look to the others and whisper, "Hey, I think we can all agree this is something to listen in on."
They nod their head and we enter the opened hatch, the dark consuming us. Yuuzuko and I
stealth using our abilities. While we communicate the conversation using our private channels like always. Once in the conversation is clear, but we also notice blood splattered all over the floor.
The serviceman speaks, "I don't understand why you're asking me to do this. There are probably other options out there!"
"Because without you, the plan can't work. Its as simple as that. The Red Goblins are the only ones that can stop this, if you just allow us." The other male says. He wears red chest armor along with no visible weapons on his person. "Come on. The heist can't do it without you."
Can't do it without him? Is he defecting? I look back to make sure our exit is wide open. There's no information of the guy. The only thing we know are the words Red Goblin. Could be a faction name. We move in a little closer and enter the actual hideout, the blood all over the walls--the concrete floor, trace back to other service that have died by whoever this guy is.
The serviceman says, "You do know what's happening right now? They are a faction in the city sure, bu-"
"Not just a faction. The first faction. We created every other faction out there today." The man says. His chin raised with a knowing grin. Not every day you can say something like that. He reaches his hand out and looks in the serviceman's eyes, "Come on, Oshiro. Just come with us. You've been doing missions like this ever since the beginning. The military is up to something and I think we need to pay them a visit."
Oshiro closes his eyes, looks at what he did, and grabs the man's hand, "This better be interesting." And they vanish. Crap, it was another Dimension Element user. Damn it!
Yuuzuko and I leave the opened hatch, explosions show their ugly heads in the distance. I let him get away with it. Focusing towards the next house that's well-lit and inviting. The kid waves his hand beckoning us. I thought it was gonna be non-descript. Well I mean there's nothing interesting about this place at least.
Aoi sighs and shakes her head, "So this was the non-descript building." She grabs our hands and pulls us in through the gate with a hurry, "Come on! Come on!"
The digital fire place crackled for barely a minute as Mom slams the door, "Kazuki! What the hell was that? You could literally have killed us all if it wasn't for the water boy's ultimate!"
"He's called SuSu." Aoi says. "Also lets calm down. Anger is only going to rile these two up."
The house mismatches our emotions with its cool, bland white. Stairs near the back head down into some sort of basement and its lit with a blue light. I'd rather check that place out than deal with my mother's rage, but KillerZone is out there. I need to make sure that we can practice against that Light AI's powers. What I don't know is the Element of this guy.
I place a foot forward--my heartbeat slow, along with my breathing, "Guys, as much as I want to care for what you're saying. There is a problem out there."
Yuuzuko takes a deep breath and exhales as if letting out all his anger out in one go--placing a hand on my shoulder, "That's true. Just don't steal the show next time. I want them to focus on me."
I couldn't help, but shake my head. "That's what you were mad about?" I ask. This guy is so petty. "Just make your move man and don't be stupid."
"Stupid is the last thing I wanna be. Like that move you did, you could've just casted Aura's Ultimate and hit him at the border!" He complains.
"It's called making a statement! You know absolutely nothing about intimidation do you?"
"Guys! Just focus on the damn issue please!" Aoi yells. "There's a murderer out there that would be burning buildings and killing civilians if it wasn't for the Battle Cube system placed around to prevent this shit!"
I sigh. She's right. I need to focus--can't get sidetracked by pettiness. Mom is watching us from across the room, talking to one of her servicemen. Why is she always talking to them? What is she saying?
She comes towards us, her heels clacking on the tile floor with a stern look on her face, "We need to move. KillerZone is tracking us somehow." Her hand twitches, but she forces it to stay firm. "He's coming here.