Rock Lizard Ambush

During the six days, Lyrian and the crew spent time taming the ostriches even more, well more so Alten and Leon, since Lyrian's ostrich was already very obedient to him.

While giving themselves time to hunt for cores at least a few hours each day, they also used the time to allow the birds to train to get better to climb the mountain, as doing it with an added load came to be far more difficult.

The group realized they needed to train the ostriches to do this when they tried to blindly climb the mountain on the first day, only to fall back down after a few feet.

They saw that the ostriches could freely climb the mountain on their own, but the added load of an entire kid seemed to be just enough to offset their balance on the mountain, as they weren't used to it, making it too much for them to handle.

To deal with this dilemma, they attached rocks that were the same weight as them on their backs and allowed them to train on the mountain for hours at a time.
