Absurd Power

As the light cleared, a limp body fell from the air to the floor. That body was of course Cedrics. After stumbling back due to the light, the guardian stopped and turned around, facing Lyrian and the others while ignoring Cedric.

"It turned around because he was unconscious?" Lyrian questioned, dashing back to create space between himself and the monster.

Seeing the bright flash of light, Alten exclaimed from the back "Hey! What the hell just happened!"

"I don't know! We don't have time to figure it out either!" Lyrian replied hastily, as the guardian began hovering toward them again.

Everyone near the guardian, the close-range fighters, began running away from it. They all thought of what to do next. Right now, there looked to be no hope in sight.

"Our attacks do nothing to it! It's too strong!" Han exclaimed as he ran.