Achievement Of Friends

The two of them picked up large, plate-sized leaves and some wooden chopsticks before going through the stalls. The array of food surprised both of them. There wasn't just seasoned meat, which they expected at the very most, but even soups, salads, fruits, and more.

Of course, as expected, there wasn't any bread or something like that which would take long to make, but it was impressive nonetheless. As they picked out their food, a hand suddenly touched Alten's back.

Slightly surprised, he turned around to see a familiar face, "Rylan?" Alten said, a look of both confusion and shock on his face, "How the hell are you here?" He said in an even more bewildered tone than before.

The boy who had touched his shoulder was a few inches shorter than him. He was very scranny and also had a pair of glasses like Alten did. Hearing Alten's tone of voice, he quickly replied, "What!? What's that supposed to mean?" In a seemingly offended way.