The Tundra

What Lyrian wanted badly right now was to use his power. 'I want to know how much closer I am to being powerful.' He thought to himself.

Although the crowd of kids behind the factions, ready for a battle, were surprised by the actions of Lyrian and his team, they couldn't say much. They weren't in the position to after all.

It was up to the factions themselves, and how they handled the situation. 

While looking at the Yaltan Wind Group, Lyrian noticed not only Silvus, who had clearly recognized his presence but was refusing to look in Lyrian's direction but also two other familiar faces.

Alten was equally, if not more shocked to see them, "Cedric!? Madam Glis!?"

Seeing Lyrian's perplexed expression, Glis looked away, as if she was ashamed to show her face. Lyrian didn't catch it for long, but she seemed to have a slightly angry expression.

Cedric on the other hand didn't even look toward them, only forward, his face forced to be serious.