Anticlimactic Celebration...

[Due to its unique ability that allows it to change in age, the Generational Hobgoblin will acclimate to the stats of his elder stage much quicker than other creatures]

'Ah... I see. But is the elder still not a child, despite its large size? Since everything I create starts off as a baby that grows up?'

[In terms of the mind, yes, any creation of yours will be born as a child. The elder stage of Zuuc will continue to grow in both age and strength according to your stats]

[However, all creations made from the Creation System exist differently from the creatures of the material world]

'How so?'

[Beings created by Creature-link can, for the most part, never die. They are boosted in all stats. Along with growing up 20x faster than normal creatures, they also never grow past their prime age]