Fake Monks

On hearing Leon's explanation, Lyrian was still unsatisfied. He didn't like the idea that a simple thing such as status could be used in such a way, where robbing people in broad daylight was accepted. In fact, he saw it as a flaw with how Anaviotis ran things.

"Hand over the damn Riftstones already!" the arrogant brat screamed, suddenly becoming angry.

"W-Wait!" the man said, his tone nervous. He knew that if he made a wrong move here and offended the young student of the academy in front of him, his family would face dire consequences.

"Wait? For what? Are you going to make a starving monk wait just for your own selfish needs!?" the kid barked, smirking slightly as his two other friends quietly chuckled. Lyrian gazed closely at the middle-aged man and couldn't help but feel bad. He reminded him of his own father.