Lucifer Morningstar

Linus and Godfrey both turned their heads toward Lyrian, slightly annoyed at him due to what had happened in the previous bid.

"So he's finally spending money now, huh?" Drake mused as Linus put his bidding plate down for some reason. Drake found this slightly confusing because he wouldn't expect Linus to back down so easily, but he didn't care too much about it either.

"I'm not going to give up this item so easily," he thought, exclaiming outward, "900 Rif--" He was swiftly cut off before he could finish.

"1000," Lyrian smirked.

"Wha-- fine! 105--" Godfrey Drake was cut off once again.


With this, Drake glanced over at Linus, who had a light smirk on his face. 'Ah...' Drake finally got why Linus had put his plate down at the beginning of this bid.