The Final Item

His shadow didn't move, but Lyrian could tell that the shadow was also relieved to be back. However, Lyrian also felt something odd now that his shadow was back with him.

"Maybe I got used to not having a shadow," he mused, attributing the odd sensation to this as he moved on.

Currently, the tenth and final item of the auction is being showcased.

"The final item!" The auctioneer paused as his gaze swept through the eager crowd. Most of the bidders were students, but many adults and other executives were also scattered around, who were almost just as excited.

Lyrian saw a table where many heads of the academy sectors sat. He knew this since he saw a familiar face sitting there with his stomach out. It was none other than the Battle Forge Module shop owner.

The old man's belly moved up and down as he chuckled in joy. The auctioneer continued his speech, "This is a very luxurious item! One meant for the utmost of nobles and royals."