Shadow Hound Cerberus Cultivation Technique Of The Four Arch Daemons

With a determined gaze, he looked at the materialization of his shadow on the canvas. It was a light blue, semi-transparent being, but it still existed nonetheless. This was his skill: Shadow Puppet.

"Come out!" He exclaimed, squeezing his eyes closer to shut as his neck began to shake from the pressure he was putting on his head. He was trying to make Cerberus escape from the shadow, but all his efforts seemed to be in vain.

"It won't come out..." Lyrian stopped for a second and thought of a new approach. "Wait... why would it? The Hound is still within my shadow, not within the Shadow Puppet skill. If that's the case, then I need it to come out of my shadow first before I meddle at all with the Skill Convergence Canvas."

On this thought, he turned his focus from the canvas to his own shadow. Although Lyrian's shadow had a soul of its own, it was still soul-bound to him. This was the case for all of his other creatures as well.