On Stakes


Another head flew into the air with a splatter of blood following it. Lyrian had no expression on his face as he continued to move.

Maybe it was that the bandits were fully clothed, but he felt no remorse for them. Their punishment was fully justified in his mind.

The bandit who spoke to Jalil moments prior met up with another one. "Kano! What do you think we should do!?" He exclaimed urgently.

"I don't know, Helan! But he's ruthless! I don't know how many he's killed, but I know that most of them are already dead!"

"How come we don't see the heads anywhere!?" 'Helan' said in a bewildered tone.

Shivers went down 'Kano's spine. "Don't even talk about it so casually," he paused, "I have killed so many faces that I can't even remember them all... but seeing the faces of my own team on the floor... I can't deal with it."