Panda Kung Fu

At that moment, a fighting aura exuded from the Balance Panda that took Lyrian slightly aback.

It felt as though Lyrian stared at a powerful king, one that ruled the jungle.

A lone traveler that dominated all other creatures with its intellect, sheer brute strength, and ferocity.

It's calculated movements, It's menacing bite. This creature that Lyrian now felt that he was facing was the true king of the jungle.

The tiger.

"Impressive... to have such profound experience in martial arts to mimic a tiger's aura so perfectly is worthy of amazement."

He readied his own blade. "Before I send out any of my creatures... I will fight this beast myself." He grinned through his teeth.

At that moment, the panda began to slowly walk sideways, circling around Lyrian.


[A creature with a lethal threat level has blistered you with its killing intent.

- Creature threat level: GUARDIAN]