The Final Beast Showdown

The crowd held their breath in awe and amazement as Drake's newfound body blitzed forward with incredible speed.

He slashed away at Lyrian, whose presence and being had completely morphed into a monkey.

Lyrian wielded his sword and body in the most unpredictable way possible, but not on purpose.

His mind simply played tricks and had fun in the battle.

That was why the monkey was the most unpredictable because its fighting style went against the very concept of a fight.

'The reason why the monkey is so unpredictable is because fights are about seriousness,' Lyrian mused to himself in the heat of the moment.

'Fights are where matters get dealt with, and harm comes to another. But, the monkey's fighting style is not serious at all. It is completely opposite, and that is why it is superior in many cases. Because it's not expected.'

Understanding this wholly, Lyrian's body moved to the left.