Sudden Deployment: The Adventure Begins!

"Haha! I have done it! The great Panixu strikes again!" The panda chuckled in joy.

'Where the hell did he get this personality?' Lyrian confusedly mused, "Anyways... that's enough of this." He said as Panixu entered his shadow.

Now, he had gathered himself together and did what he needed to do to be neat for this deployment.

"I suppose before I exit the BF though, I should make a plan." He said, beginning to think. "But, then again, I can't really make a plan without knowing anything. Right now doesn't seem like a good time then. Still, a basic route will be nice."

After a short pause to organize his thoughts, he said to himself, "I'll take on this deployment in a calm way. But, I want to finish my mission as soon as possible so that I can have as much time to train. I just hope I won't be tied down for the long run..."

After this, there was nothing else left to do. He exited the module and prepared himself for bed.