Red Light District

Lyrian exited the mansion soon after, quickly making his way back into the main city.

He turned invisible to hide himself from the crowd as he slithered through it.

While moving he thought to himself, 'It's getting late... but I still have a few more hours before I have to sleep.' As he thought this to himself, he suddenly came across an alleyway that had more red lights than the normal streets on the other side of it.

'Hmm... I guess it wouldn't hurt to explore that place now.' Lyrian thought, swiftly entering this alleyway.

As soon as he got to the other side, he noticed another street with even more red and purple lights, and then even more after that.

He hastily followed this path of lights, before finally coming across a banner sprawled across two tall buildings above the street.

"Red Light District" It read, as Lyrian looked forward and noticed the bustling street in front of him.