Pick Pocket

A pickpocketer isn't just some trickster who sometimes manages to get away with robbing someone.

Although, many probably were just that... still, pickpocketing is an art to many.

For the lamen, recognizing that he got robbed would be nearly impossible. And if it were to be an experienced pickpocketer, then even experienced men wouldn't be able to tell that something of theirs was missing.

The sleight of hand and technique one had to master to become great at pickpocketing was a talent in itself.

The 13-year-old boy knew this and had practiced for several years to perfect the art of pickpocketing.

He just landed a big score on an older man who wore rich clothing, so he was ecstatic right about now.

Never before had he taken from such a big fish. He tended to practice on more lowly clothed people--people who wore the same beggar clothing as him, or people who were dressed in dirty brown rags...