chapter four—gaia, here we are.

<<3 days later>>

—Elodie didn't go to school.

The thought of spending another day at school was too much for her to bear because of her cruel classmates. She couldn't face the other students, knowing they thought of her as nothing more than an oddity to be mocked and ridiculed every day was still unbearing to her.

As she contemplated her options, she looked over to her invitation to Crestwood Academy. Maybe this was her chance to find a place where she belonged, to return to her homeword. Somewhere where she wouldn't be judged.

She decided to take a chance and go to the train station, eager to escape this place and start anew.

Normally, she would meet with Roland at school, but she didn't want to see him after last night. Elodie walked through the streets, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. The sound of the clanging trains echoed in the distance, beckoning her towards a new future.

The train was the only way back to the homeworld. The very same one Xakheia took.

It was magically camouflaged in the most places people never sought to notice. Earth was a world of normalcy without the influence of Gaian relics left on Earth. Much like the train, for example. But they were still hidden and untouched.

Elodie held onto her suitcase with her grimoire also inside, wearing a dark blue coat over her dress to hide herself from the cold air of the town. Her long blonde tresses were tied into a ponytail to shine out her blue eyes. In her hand was the Golden Card, with the words left by the Crestwood Academy principal that told her the time the train will arrive. She didn't want to waste the chance to miss it.

She was finally leaving Earth. At long last. "I'm so excited for this, aren't you? We get to go home."

"That depends." Alasdair's noble voice huffed.

"Well, I'm a little bit excited. It's been so long." Trixie added with her usual gleeful choice of tone.

"Alasdair. Why do you not sound happy?" Elodie pondered.

"Gaia could have changed after all these years. We could not even recognize it."

"What do you mean by that?" Elodoe questioned.


She was abruptly stopped by the sound of a train whistle entering the docks. After 5 long years, it had made its return. The people around Elodie didn't pay attention and considered it as a normal train entering for people to get it. Unaware that this train doesn't even belong in that station.

"It'" Elodie recognized the Gaian train as if it were stamped in her memories. It was still in mint condition, the same color, same design. As if it never aged.

"Call for passengers!" A conductor shouted, but it was odd because she didn't see a conductor anywhere. The whole train could've just been operated all by magic. It made sense. She looked at her Golden Card and then back at the train.

Today was finally the day. Gaia was waiting for her.


"Huh? Roland?!" As she approached the station, she noticed Roland getting out of his carriage, clearly on his way to find her.

Her heart raced as she saw him heading towards her, his expression apologetic as he approached her. She steeled herself, unprepared to hear whatever reason he came. "Roland! What are you doing here?!"

The young man stopped himself to take a breath as soon as he reached Elodie.

"Last call!" The conductor called out again. It was already prepared to embark.

"You're...leaving?" Roland furrowed his brows.

"You shouldn't be here." She seethed.

"So you were going without saying goodbye?" The boy slowly stood up. "I thought we were—"

"Save your words, Roland. I know what you want to say. But...I don't want to be a burden to you. You're a noble, and I'm just a simple village girl who wants to see her sisters again. I've waited five years for this to happen, and..." the train's whistle aired off another warning.

"Elodie, wait! I need to talk to you!"

She turned to him, her eyes full of impatience. He could tell that she was still upset about their moment the other day. "Roland, I don't have time for this," she said, turning to board the train.

But he stepped in front of her, blocking her path. "I'm sorry about what happened between us yesterday. But I really need to talk to you. This is important. Please, Elodie, listen to me."

She looked at him for a moment, then sighed. "Fine. But, hurry it up. The train is leaving soon."

He took her hand, his fingers touching hers for the first time. He could feel her warmth and pulse through his skin. He felt a pang of regret for ever allowing his pride to get the best of him.

"Elodie, I choose you," he said.

She stared at him in shock. "What?! Roland, we barely even know each other. I..."

"We've had these five years enough to know wach other. And...that made me see so much in you," he said, taking a step closer to her. "I see intelligence, kindness, and strength. And I want to be a part of your life. I want to protect you and make you happy. Elodie, give me a chance."

She looked at him for a long moment, then smiled. "Roland...I feel the same way. But we..." she said.

He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "I'm willing to be together."

'Together?' She smiled, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Roland, I...I—"

Without letting her say more, he took her in his arms and embraced in a passionate kiss, tears of joy flowing down Roland's face. Elodie froze in place at first, before slowly accepting his loving touch and soft lips. Her mind was drifting away that very second as Roland's arms were so warm and safe. But the thoughts shattered as the train whistled again, this time signaling that it was ready to depart.

"Oh no!" Elodie yelped and turned around, she didn't want this chance to slip away from her! She looked at Roland with guilt and quickly slipped from his hold. She hurried to the closest cart to get on. She successfully got on board and held her suitcase in her hold.

"Elodie! Elodie! Wait!" Roland cried out after her, rushing down the docks as the train was picking up speed. "Stop the train! Please, stop the train! The tracks don't go anywhere! ELODIE!"

"I'm sorry, Roland! I have to do this!" Elodie could only wave back to him as she was leaving the station. She was waving a mute goodbye to her only friend from Earth, even though she left it as a bittersweet farewell. It felt similar to what her sister did to her when she left.

But she knew that it wasn't goodbye forever - she could come visit Earth again. "Goodbye, Roland..."

As the train raced away from the station, Elodie couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt in her heart.

But as she settled into her seat and glanced out the window at the passing scenery, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. She knew that she had made a mistake, but it was one that she could fix later on. Some day.

She had a long journey ahead of her, and she knew that there would be many challenges to face along the way. She was finally on her way to finding her sisters, and no obstacle - not even the vastness of space - would stop her.

The whole train cart she was on, was empty of passengers, it would make sense why. The train was merely transportation for only Gaians coking to Earth, yet no one has traveled outside Gaia for who knows how long. To Elodie's knowledge, of course.

"Ooh! Fancy!" Trixie popped out from the book to take a view of the whole train as well as Alasdair.

"Hmm. I wonder if they have tea aboard this vessel." He hummed.

"How far is Gaia? Will it take overnight?" Elodie asked as she looked out the window to the greenery hit suddenly the train raced into the dense fog. She assumed it would be a long train ride as she got herself comfortable.

"Give it about 5 minutes..." Alasdair corrected.

"5 minutes?!" Elodie slightly jaw dropped.

"Attention, please fasten onto your seatbelts as we enter the Lychgate pass!"

"Lychgate pass?" Elodie pondered but then suddenly felt a tremendous force as the train sped deep into the fog, and the tracks just ended there.

Elodie clenched onto her seat as the force push her into her seat, she peered out the window to see nothing but cloudy mist. The train was going as fast as a rocket at this rate, but after 5 minutes of that rushing experience, the train suddenly felt lighter.

As the mist slowly began to clear, Elodie's blue eyes were met with a sight so breathtaking, it took her breath away. Floating before her was Gaia, a world consisting of six continental islands suspended above each other like a beautiful dream.

No longer feeling the usual vibrations of the rudders, the train began to lift itself from the ground and into the air. Elodie was greeted by the brightness of the sun hitting her eyes, and the clouds above that matched like the heavens.

Turning to her right, Elodie could see it. She could see Gaia. And it was just as she imagined in her dreams. Floating islands suspended above eachother, hidden from Earth no matter hard they try to see. Gaia was invisible as always but a sight to behold.

"Wow! It's magnificent!" Elodie pressed her nose to the window, trying to take in all the magic she could as the train came to a gentle stop. The station was bustling with activity.

"Huh, so it hasn't changed after all," Trixie commented.

But Alasdair witnessed the view with a disdained look on his grey-fluffed face. He flickered a whisker with a snarl. "'s definitely changed. The isn't the same as when I was here before."

"Final Stop; Silver City!" The conductor announced.

"Hmm? Silver City? Where's that?"

"That's in Neutropolis Continent. One of the six islands." Trixie answered. "Crestwood should be located over there."

"Is that where you and Alasdair came from?" Elodie asked curiously.

"More or less. Neutropolis Continent is a big place. The most populated island in the homeworld. It mainly connects to other islands in terms of trade, tourism as well as work." The train soared offer the clouds and reached the largest island, known as Neutropolis.

The island was a very big rock, with visible mountains and large steep points. Elodie could spot large settlements and towns built around the mountains while a huge concentration of them was settled at the bottom - with large towers and soaring buildings.

And there was one building that seemed to be glimmering in a chromed silvery shine.

"You have reached your destination! Welcome to Gaia." The conductor echoed. The train then trudged right into its station and softly reached land. Elodie could see the city and finally docking down. The train station was in the central district, the busiest section of Silver City.

As she made her way off the train, Elodie couldn't help but wonder what adventures lay ahead. She had dreamed of this moment for as long as she could remember, but now that she was here, everything felt so surreal.

Elodie looked up, taking in the beautiful floating city before her. She knew that her journey wouldn't be an easy one, but she was determined to find her sisters. She took a deep breath and stepped off the train, ready to explore the floating islands and unravel the mysteries they held. "It's more beautiful than I dreamed of..."

And as she walked towards the bright and vibrant city, Elodie felt a sense of excitement and determination wash over her. She was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that this was the beginning of an unforgettable adventure.

"We're finally here!" She was surrounded by people from different walks of life, all walking along the pavement. Some weren't even human-like. Some red-skinned giants over 6 feet tall, while others were blue with shiny scales that brimmed like sapphires, flying over people's heads with crystal tridents in their hands. The markets were busier than the ones she's ever been to, Elodie searched around blindly and at that moment–she didn't know which path to start.

"Uh...where should we go? Alasdair? Trixie?"

"'s all so different. I don't think I remember the street we're in!" Trixie answered.

"Your Golden Card, Lady Elodie. We just need to reach the Silver Monastery. The giant silver building you saw earlier."

"Oh, okay..." Elodie looked around and she couldn't see the said building anywhere in sight.

"I guess we should just go look for it." Elodie wandered down the street of crowds and slowly got herself lost. But meanwhile, as the train that brought Elodie to Gaia was about to leave, an unsuspecting passenger had landed himself in Gaia.

And that man was Roland Strauss. "Huh?"


[ AUTHOR: heyo, hope you've enjoyed so far! Please vote and comment on what you think about it! It would mean so much if you supported this book! Ill try to update, about 5 chapters per month. I don't have much time because of college and other matters. But I hope you liked it. TSYM! ]