8.Put That Body on a Luggage

It was around 8:30 pm this was an hour after they have visited the funeral, Nathan texted Lucena earlier that they will meet at one of the fancy restaurants in Limasawa for their little dinner date, the time Nathan provided was around 8 and Lucena arrived exactly at that time meaning she have been waiting for him for about 30 minutes now. “Are you ready to order ma’am?” and this is the second time this waiter ask her that question, she breath heavily and look at the time at the resto’s wall clock and look back at the waiter. “Give me a bottle of your finest wine to go please.” She said and the waiter bowed and walk away, after a few minutes later the waiter came back with the wine and the receipt, Lucena paid the wine and walk out of the place.

She opened the back sit of her car and put her wine and mini bag there and when she closes her door, she was shock to see someone was there “Detective? You’re going to give me a heart attack.” She said as she holds her rapidly beating heart when she saw Nicholas, “what are you doing here?” he asks coldly, Lucena look at him confuse she did also look at his outfit it seems like he’s been motorcycling, “I’m supposed to be having dinner with your brother, you? what are you doing here?’ she response honestly and ask the Nicholas the same question as well, Nicholas look at her from head to toe, she was wearing a very nice and flattering red body fit dress, it hugs her body which reveals all her curves, and a wedge sandals that help with her height, and despite all the flattering outfit she decided to maintain a very light make up to balance everything out, to not look slutty.

“Come with me.” Nicholas said and she haven’t even responded yet he grabs her right wrist and drag her somewhere. “Where are we going?” Lucena said trying to escape his grip but after a few minutes of walking he purposely let go of her, Lucena look around the place and there were a ton of people selling street foods, “I like riding my big bike at this time of the night and sometimes I find myself eating here instead of some fancy restaurants.” Nicholas said that while looking at the place and Lucena was looking at him and when he was about to look at her, she immediately gazed at the place, “The Saturday night market, I did not even realize they’ll be open.” Lucena said looking at the place.

“Let me make it out for Nathan, this might not be the fancy place he promises but it still is dinner.” He said looking at her, she look at Nicholas as well and smiled widely, she then grabs his hand and walk towards the sellers in a fast phase, this shock Nicholas, he kept looking at their intertwined hands and trying to digest what’s going on, but Lucena let go when she saw her favorite food, she got excited and walk to that stall while Nicholas was left there to where he was standing, he cannot make himself move, all he can do is stare at those sparkling eyes of her and that very pure and beautiful smile. She was not a fancy girl, she can just be happy even with this type of date, it’s not hard to make her happy, showing her she’s valuable makes her feel worthy.

As the night grows old, they both feel young, they had dinner at a place in the night market, they had grilled squid and pork, had beef stew, they had some quick snacking and lastly dessert, “so you like charcoal ice cream?” Nicholas asks while they slowly walk back to her car under an amazing moonlight, “I like ice cream with nuts, but I like this if it’s the night market.” Lucena replied while they both enjoy the medium size cup of charcoal ice cream Nicholas ordered for her, Nicholas only got himself a cone he’s not really into sweets, they both sat down at an open small park just right where she was parking, “Thank you for tonight, Nicholas.” Lucena said as he gave a very warm and genuine smile to him, she did appreciate his great gesture for tonight. “It’s nothing.” Nicholas replied and chuckled off the awkwardness he never knows how to accept compliments, “Oh my goodness.” Lucena said and this alerted the guy, “what? What is it?” Nicholas said in a bit of panic and Lucena laugh at his reaction, “Detective Nicholas Alonzo, as cold as you are you look really handsome when you smile.” Nicholas was so dumbfounded but sooner realize what she meant and hide his blushing cheeks by frowning and Lucena look at him smiling realizing what he’s doing.

“Look, honestly speaking, wear your smile often it suits you.” Lucena turned serious and put his hands on his right shoulders and they both stared into each other’s eyes for quite some time, “I think we should go.” Lucena said still eyes on the detective, Nicholas was the one who cut the eye contact first and look away standing up and started walking away, Lucena then followed him.

Doe’s Point of View

It has most certainly been the most tiring night so far, these people have been in different places at one’s I’m exhausted in watching their every move, the funeral was the worst the good thing is I know how to fake my sympathy, and now it’s time to get to work, I have been distant with what the police are working lately but the last time I check they still don’t have any good lead and no strong suspect, except for Billy Milligan, after the small inconvenience of the funeral I believe they will be looking into Milligan pretty much soon, so I’ll be more than happy to do them a little honor.

I did all the hard work, I have research everything about Billy Milligan and I have the perfect way of putting an end to his misery here on earth, and it has to be performed perfectly as well so I have studied quite medically about human autonomy for this to hit the correct spots, but before anything else I have to prepare my mind to what’s about to happen, so I went home prepared an extra clothing, and prepared my big luggage I chose this carefully so no suspicions can hover, I made sure that it’s a very common luggage here in Limasawa, purchased by approximately 8 people in one day, I have purchase it months ago I have thought on using it for vacation purposes but it seems like my other minds have some other plans for it.

As I was preparing everything, I have also been drinking wine to ready my mind, I re check everything that is on my bag, gloves, butcher knife, saw, trash bags, and extra clothes not the common things you bring for a picnic but it will do, I grab a dummy phone on the small pocket of my bag, it was the phone where I have a video of Billy Milligan, I intend to submit this to the authorities but what fun would it be if they simply had it so I made some extra stops earlier, as I finish checking my stuff I also did finish my bottle of wine, tonight has been a mess and I will do as my mind pleases to atoned for what happened.

I grab the keys for my Honda civic and put everything at the trunk, including the big luggage, I then look around the parking lot since I live in a condo I can’t risk being seen off course although it was 11 pm in the evening a lot of teenagers are still out during this time so it’s better to be careful and precautious, once confirmed the area was clear I went inside the driver’s seat and drove away.

After a few minutes of driving along the streets of Limasawa I finally arrived at my favorite place, I quickly unpack everything out of the trunk and brought all the things at once inside the cabin, it was quite heavy since I have a lot of metal things on my back, I left the luggage outside and went on my favorite room with my black bag, “Hello Billy” I greeted putting my bag gently on the floor, he look at me tiredly I haven’t feed him at all, I thought it would be less of a mess if he has no food inside him.

“I have done what you said, can you please let me go?” he begged and I watch, earlier this morning I ask of him to record a video of everything I have written on a bond paper, well I filmed him I cannot risk of letting him go he’s ability to overpower any drugs I gave him is quite amazing, “do you wish to be in prison rather to be here with me? Hm Billy?” I ask him still standing and in the same position as I was when I entered the room, “I’m sick, I have no idea of the things I have done- “I did not let him finish, I grab my heavy bag and with all of my anger and strength together sway the bag across his face and it hit him with a pretty strong impact, “sorry I forgot my hammer.” I said and sway the bag again and again until I can see enormous amount of blood flowing down his head, while I was doing this all that was in my head is what happened today and all of the things I have read about Milligan.

After a couple of hit I stop and drop the bag and walk towards him, feeling his pulse on his neck, it was still beating so slow meaning he’s still alive, “you are ended a fighter.” I took some gloves off my bag and wore them and take out a plastic out of my pocket, I walk behind him, “there’s a special place in hell for you.” He said even he was having a hard time breathing fighting for his life, I then immediately put the plastic over his head and tightening the ends with my grip making sure that he won’t be able to breath, he was struggling, his body shakes as his hands raises clutching the air, “I do hope he made that special place for me.” I replied near his ear would be, death by suffocation is the easiest of all method so I did him a favor, I could have smashed his head continuously until he no longer breaths.

I took the plastic off his head and felt his pulse, it was no longer pumping, he is finally dead and that put a smile to my face, now time for the fun part, I untie his body for I ‘am planning to transfer it to a medical bed, although this time his body would be heavier since his dead I can still manage.

I was able to put his body on the medical bed, for the past few days I manage to engineer a new room in this cabin, after Henry’s death I manage to gain invincibility at the hospital and gather some things I’ll soon be needing. I transferred Billy’s body on that room and started my own operation, I’m planning to dismember his body and put it in a luggage, but I need to send a message to the authorities first, so I’m planning to put his head on a different location inside his car and the video he made for me. I started my work, cutting up his body, it was like a piece of cake though the all night studying of human anatomy was worth it, a few hours later I was all done.

I put all the parts on different trash bags so the blood won’t be all over the luggage and on my car, I cannot risk it, I manage to fit everything on the luggage which is now 5 times heavier, I check the time and it was now 3 am “witching hour, just perfect.” I need to make sure everything is in place before the sun rises so I’ll just clean up later, I grab Billy’s head and wash it on the sink, it does not look good at all after the smashing and blood gushing, “May you rest in peace.” I said to his face after washing it and drying it with a clean cloth.

I walked outside the cabin and started driving his car, I went to an abandon factory near the forest and place the car outside and his head on the driver seat, I have deleted everything on his phone just leaving the video we filmed and left that right there beside his head, I immediately walk as fast as I could and went inside the forest and back to the cabin, I was breathing heavily as I close the door, I leaned my back to it and started crying, I can’t explain what’s going on with me, I can’t stop the tears from falling, do I pity Billy? Or myself?

After a couple minutes of breaking down I manage to tame myself and cleaned up, I made sure after they play the video the car will explode, I program it already so my that my DNA would be erased, as I will also burn everything I have used today, Billy’s head is now in place now the luggage, I plan to place it on the street of Limasawa so I must hurry for it’s almost morning.