"Where is the mermaid?!"

"I will never accept her. She will never be my mate. I heard wolves can reject their mates and stay single throughout their lifetime. Is this true?"

Kai stilled. He looked Dallan straight in the eyes to be sure it was something, at least, close to a joke. "Errm... Are you being serious right now?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

"Wait, you are ready to be mateless throughout your life than be—"

"Yes!" Dallan interrupted angrily. "Yes, I am ready to be mateless throughout my life than be with her! Isn't that clear enough?" The anger he was displaying didn't seem necessary, especially as he was venting it out on the wrong person. But he wasn't done. "I can not accept her as a mate! Why should the goddess do this to me? I have waited for so long. I expected something worth all the time. Now look what I got!"

"She is beautiful, and she will definitely make a good mate. You have not even tried getting to know her better."

"It's not an issue of getting to know her better." Dallan calmed down a bit. "As an Alpha, my mate should be... should be strong, independent and... somewhat brave."

"Oh. So how do you know she does not have any or all of these qualities?"

"I... I don't know." Dallan shrugged. "Anyway, that does not matter. I won't accept her. Soon as we get to the pack, I will go talk to Abe. As a very experienced warlock, he should know what to do in a situation like this."

Kai exhaled. "Abe is the pack's warlock and not some consultant firm. Sometimes I feel we bother him too much with issues that seem inconsequential and can be easily handled."

"Okay, dickhead, how can this present issue be easily handled?"

"Simple! Take your mate, accept her, and see where it leads!"

Dallan rolled his eyes and started a fast stride towards his cabin, leaving Kai alone on the deck. Dallan had never felt so lost in his entire life. He was raised by strong parents, especially a mother who he saw doing things that even men found difficult to do. Running the pack by herself whenever his dad was away was one of the things he respected about her. Even today, he hardly had control over everyone. Though the pack loved him, he knew that.

But most of the love came because of his will to indulge their every whim and caprice. Even the pack's council of elders were always on his neck—well, except Abe, the warlock.

Dallan did not regret refusing to rule the pack the way his father did. His father was a ruthless man—even to the people. Most of the fear, love and respect he received during his lifetime came as a result of that ruthlessness. But Dallan had done the opposite. He kept a warm attitude towards all members of the pack. Everyone knew he was also ruthless—maybe even more than his father—but that was outside the pack. None of the other packs or even the vampire's clan outside their borders had the guts to stand him without fear of being destroyed. Past experiences taught them that.

And now, he was 'gifted' a mate who looked frail and powerless. Yes, she looked very beautiful, he could not fail to admit that. And yes, she was hot enough—maybe a bit too much—to make him hard with just a seductive glance. But he wasn't about to accept a mate for looking like the goddess of seduction. Dallan wasn't asking for much. Just someone like his mother would do.

Or someone with half the integrity and strength his mother had...

Dallan collapsed on the bed in his cabin. Even when he travelled on the sea for almost a month while his parents were still alive, he never felt this exhausted. Kai had been the one complaining and spilling his guts into the water. Now, Dallan could definitely not go on a journey like that—ever again.

The pack would split before he got back. That was one thing he could bet his life on. The so-called council of elders who were supposed to assist him in taking care of the pack, directed all the energy into criticizing everything he did. All those negativity always made him exhausted.

It did not also help that more than half of the ladies in the pack wanted to have sex with him. Some even claimed to have gotten mate signs for him from the goddess. The ones who were not wolves conjured visions to make Dallan see why they would be a perfect fit.

Yikes! Dallan hated all of it! Well, except for the temporary satisfaction they brought. Yes, he always indulged his arousals, but it never blossomed into anything serious. Since wolves were very sexual creatures, he always slept with whoever it was that threw themselves at him. And his relationship with that particular lady or woman did not change into anything affectionate even after their mutual release.

Dallan knew of his looks from what people said. He had no idea his eyes were cold and captivating until more than six ladies commented on it. And he also had no idea his face and lips could capture attention any time of the day—until he was told. Dallan did not even know how good he was in bed until his fuck buddies kept coming back, some crying and begging when he wasn't in the mood...

"Goddess," Dallan murmured to himself with his palm over his forehead. "please help me. I might run mad soon if I keep thinking about all these." He hoped the prayer got to the goddess because he knew he was trying his best at being a good alpha, friend, and supporter.

But people—his pack—were not seeing his efforts. Kai and most of the warriors were the ones always giving him the push he needed to survive. Not to mention the fatherly love Abe always showered on Dallan.

The night was quiet, with only the sounds of gentle waves caressing the bottom of the ship. The slight chill the gentle sea breeze brought promised a night of sweet rest. Dallan laid on his bed, looking out of the window. He was still wet and had not changed out of his clothes. He did not bother doing that because the moon he was staring at captured all his attention. The rays of the milky light streamed into the cabin, making the entire place look like a galaxy.

With a determination to sleep, Dallan closed his eyes. His thoughts centred on his mother, her smile and boisterous laugh; the way she would tenderly rub his cheeks like he was a baby even after he had grown facial hairs enough to be called a man.

The slight rocking of the ship made Dallan smile. Like a gentle wave, his warm thoughts slowly steered him into sleep.


Dallan did not know for how long he slept. He woke up to someone gently tapping him.

"Kai, leave me alone."

"It's morning. Arise and shine." Kai stood at the foot of the bed, hands akimbo. "Dal, get up!"

"Goddess!" Dallan groaned and shot his eyes open. "Can I get a moment of peace?"

"We have arrived at the shore of the pack. Come out now." With that Kai passed a cheeky grin and walked out of the cabin.

Dallan groaned in frustration. Pack again! He tied his hair in a ponytail and went up to the deck. Truly, they had arrived at the shore.

The ship was safely settled on the shore of the sea. Most of the men had already climbed out and were warming up a black truck. The shine of the sun reflected off every part of the vehicle. Dallan walked out. He wadded through the shallow part of the water before approaching the vehicle.

They were on safe grounds now, he knew that. These were their parts. No one would dare trespass.

"Where is she?" Dallan asked the first man he set eyes on. By 'she,' he knew they understood what he meant.

"My alpha." The male greeted and bowed respectfully before answering. "She is in the back seat of the truck. Master Kai said we should keep her there."

Dallan was already wondering why Kai had not instructed them to tie her up in the boot. He knew the reason for his brother's sudden hospitality; that alone was enough to cause resentment. The mate stuff left him more confused than he had been when he was first crowned alpha by the pack who felt that he should take over his father.

"My alpha, are you okay?"

Dallan exhaled before nodding at the warrior. "I am fine, thank you. Where is Drab?"

"I am here, my alpha," a voice called out from the ship.

Dallan looked back to see Drab, the leader of the pack's warriors, descending the steps with two large bags in his hands. He bowed respectfully when he got to Dallan. "Good morning, my alpha. I decided to take the leftover meat from the journey. The kitchen might need it."

"My men will need it," Dallan corrected. "My warriors need all the strength they can get. Tell the kitchen to give them a feast for tonight."

Drab smiled. "Thank you, my alpha." He continued his journey, dragging the bags to the boot.

Dallan stood on a spot and waited for Kai to come out of the ship. If there wasn't any need for the rush, then why was he woken up so early? He had not been able to think of the bitter mate issue with Hazel while he slept. But now? He not only thought of the mistake he saw in his mate bond; he also thought about Hazel, and it made him angry with himself.

As more and more vehicles filled with warriors started coming from the park, Dallan realized just how mighty an army he had. The men were here to welcome them and usher them back to the pack. Dallan realized he had great luck.

Most of the luck was his father's hard work anyways. His father fought a lot of battles and exiled a lot of souls for the pack to be what it was today. It would also be in place to count the numerous times some pack members were chased out, prosecuted and sometimes killed for heinous crimes. Dallan had done the opposite of that.

The love and attention he gave the pack was never practised by any of the other Alphas in the vicinity. Many called it weakness; others prophesied that he would regret it. He never listened to all those side talks since no one had ever said it to his face...

Dallan got into the waiting truck beside Kai after it was confirmed they were ready to go. From the shore to the pack was only some minutes, but now Dallan was wishing it could take some days.

"Dallan, relax," Kai whispered to him in consolation.

"I did not tell you that I am tensed."

"No, but I can see the anxiety in those cold blue eyes of yours. You know you can't pretend to me."

"Kai, I am fine." Dallan exhaled. "It feels like it's been years since I left the pack."

"It's just been hours. Get a grip on yourself," Kai continued whispering. "I don't want anyone to see you with this long face."

Dallan leaned into the soft-leather seat. He exhaled when the pack came into view.

Silhouette pack, as Dallan's father had named it after the silhouette of a mountain the rays of the moon cast on the entire pack, always looked breathtaking.

The houses were built clustered to each other—like an estate. This way, the pack members found it easy to relate with one another, thereby fostering peace and unity.

Dallan's mansion, which he always called his quarter, was built separately, away from the noise and disturbances of the pack members. Though it wasn't so far from the rest that they couldn't hear each other over a yell. He loved the peace and serenity of having his own time to reflect, think, and make decisions regarding the progress of his pack.

Dallan's thoughts wandered the length and breadth of the universe. He still had no answer to the mate of a woman sitting at the back. From the large iron gate through the sides which has entwined metal fences, people gathered to welcome Dallan. They screamed his name like an anthem, some even prostrated flat on the ground.

"Don't stop here," Dallan warned the driver who was slowing down to allow him to greet the noisy fellows.

"Yes, my alpha." The young warrior nodded firmly after clashing eyes with Dallan through the rear-view mirror.

"You should wind down the window and greet them too," Kai advised against the deafening noise outside the truck which rolled forward at a slow speed to avoid crushing the more spirited ones blocking the path.

To avoid a debate, Dallan sighed and did as suggested. The greetings that splashed against his face through the window made him gasp for air. Did the pack members double, or was it just his nerves? Someone yelled something from the distance that made Dallan freeze.

"Where is the mermaid?!"