Maid arrangement

"What!" Kai exclaimed in disbelief. "The pack has been planning all that?!"

"Yes, they have. I wanted to know if it was an order from—"

"No! I did not give that order! Neither did Dal—Alpha Dallan. Have the people gone mad? Shouldn't the alpha be the one to make that decision?"

"I just thought to inform you."

"Thank you, Drab. You may leave." Kai fumed. While Dallan was thinking about making Hazel his maid, the pack had kitchen plans for her. Kai did not even know who was the alpha anymore. Whenever Dallan gave an order, the pack members gave two to counter it. Still fuming, Kai went back to Dallan's quarters. The alpha was no longer in the sitting room. Kai knew he must have gone to be with his parents.

Kai went straight to Hazel. He knocked. For a moment, it seemed no one was in the room. He knocked again.

"Who is that?" Her voice came from within, low and confused.

"It's... erm..." Kai slowly pushed himself in. "Hi."

"Hmm, I knew it wasn't that imp. He would never care to knock."

Kai laughed. "I am happy to know a lot of people find him annoying. I do too." He silently took a mental assessment of her. Why wouldn't Dallan accept a mate this beautiful and smart? Just looking at her one could tell she had a great level of IQ.

"Hello," He said in a way of greeting. She did not even look up to acknowledge him when she responded.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

Wow. Kai did not expect her to be in perfect control of her wits considering her kidnap. He expected her to still be in tears, weeping about how her family underwater would be seriously searching for her. Now, he understood why the goddess mated her to someone like Dallan. The alpha had strength, she had brains and composure. A perfect match.

"I am Kai, the alpha's brother and beta." In the past, Kai always made sure to indicate that he was like an adopted son to Dallan's parents, but over time, he stopped. Dallan and his parents, for once, never made him feel out of place.

"I see." Hazel raised her head to access him. She raked her eyes through his brown hair. "Don't tell me you are here to ask for my powers? Dallan had no luck with that."

"Oh, no. I am here for nothing of such. Actually, I want to beg you for something." Kai knew the path he was treading was a dangerous one. If Dallan found out about what he was about to do, his head might roll for it.

"Beg me for what?" Hazel grew cautious. She slowly sat up on the bed. She was kidnapped, probably as a slave or whatever her crazy alpha mate had in mind. Why would her captors beg her?

"Look, I know you and Dallan are mates. I know that you guys want to reject each other. And... I also know that behind Dallan's domineering facade, he badly wants you."

"He does?" Hazel's interest was visible in her curved brows. For some seconds all she felt was intense happiness. And she had no idea why she was feeling that way. "How do you know that?" she asked, hiding her feeling of glee.

"I have been with Dallan since childhood. We were friends before we became brothers. Now, beta and alpha. I almost know him like the palm of my hand. He might seem a bit unresponsive, but in his heart, he cares."

Hazel's heartbeat increased when she thought of Dallan smiling to thoughts of her. Yes, she had also pushed him off and exercised indifference, but all those were just an act. She did not want anyone to think her desperate for love or attention. "Why are you telling me all these?" she asked.

"I am telling you all this because I want you to accept your mate. I want you to accept Dallan. Please."


Kai exhaled. "Please, Hazel. Our warlock has seen things about the both of you. Great things if I must say. I know Dallan may be unreasonable sometimes but—"

"All the time," Hazel interrupted him. "That imp is always unreasonable. He gets on my nerves."

The grimace on her face made Kai chuckle. "I know he is very troublesome. But he is definitely not an imp. He is too handsome to be called that."

Handsome... Just like that Hazel's mind wandered off. She could not classify Dallan as a handsome man—because he did not fit there. He was too handsome to be called handsome. Hazel remembered his face as clearly as the room she was in now. He possessed enchanting blue eyes that pulled one in. She had no idea what laid in his groin down to his ankles, but she had seen enough of his muscled chest and arms. Even now, she itched to run her fingers over them. Dallan should have been hung inside a glass for people to pay and view. The virility she knew the alpha to possess almost seemed to seep out of his skin pores.

"What's in for me if I accept him as my mate?" Hazel asked at last.

"A lot! You not only get to be the Luna of silhouette pack but a wife to Dallan. Not to talk of your happily ever after."

"How do you know Dallan and I would even have a happily ever after?"

Kai scoffed. "Haven't you been listening to all I've been saying? I just told you that Abe, the pack's warlock has had one of his visions. Even though it is forbidden to give out details, he has confirmed that the both of you will be good together. I believe in him."

Hazel shrugged. She was trying to act nonchalant, but Kai could see the hope and interest in her eyes. He capitalized on that.

"I know you want him as much as he wants you," he said. "The both of you just have to tell each other the truth."

"Which is?"

"You love each other! That part is clear!"

Hazel narrowed her eyes at Kai. He did not look stubborn or crazy like Dallan. She saw Kai as someone who sat down to think his options through. Even though she didn't trust him, what he said made absolute sense. Though she wasn't about to admit that. "I heard you. Even if there was a slight chance that I agreed to this... this arrangement, will that crazy man also agree?"

"I will talk to Dallan." Kai did not want to disclose the discussion Abe had with the alpha. It was evident that Dallan had already yielded. All he needed was a slight push. "He will definitely agree to this."

"So if I correctly get this, we are supposed to be in some kind of contract marriage?"

Was that how she saw the entire arrangement? Kai frowned. "No. That wasn't what I had in mind. I want you to mate Dallan because the goddess has willed it so, and because of the love and attraction between you two which you guys are obstinately refusing." He paused to access her reaction. Whatever was going on in her mind did not reflect on her face. He found it very hard to read her. "Please, Hazel."

"It's fine." Hazel put on a kind of expression that made it look as if she was being disturbed. "Just talk to the imp. I know alphas gain more respect and recognition when they get their mates. I will be doing him a great favour."

"Yes, you will," Kai said, smiling. He allowed the topic to rest there. "Secondly..."

"Gods! What is it this time?" Hazel almost sighed. "Don't tell me you are now looking for someone to take over the affairs of the pack."

"No, I am not," Kai remarked, laughing. He found her sense of humour very amusing. She talked about serious things in a way that made them look like a joke. That is if you were one to take light insults as jokes. "I actually wanted to tell you that... you will be Dallan's maid from tomorrow."

"Maid?" Hazel knitted her brows.

"Yes, maid. Just him. It is better than working in the kitchen. I would not want you there."

Hazel scoffed. "The kitchen may provide a more satisfying means of amusement. How do you expect me to work for that man?"

"The job is quite simple, and it will bring you closer to him." Kai itched his head. "Erm... It will also give you guys the privacy to sort yourselves out."

Hazel did not like where her mind immediately wandered off to. Again. She imagined what privacy with Dallan would be like; the taste of his lips, the feel of his fingers on her skin. The thought aroused her. She thought of his muscles contracting beneath her fingers, his arousal tenting his trouser...


"Hmm." Hazel shot her eyes back to Kai. He was looking at her with a confused expression.

"You spaced out. Are you so resentful of Dallan that it would take so long for you to think of a reply to my offer?"

If only he understood! Hazel could not tell him about the million things going through her mind that she wanted Dallan to do to her. The attraction stood as a surprise. Whenever they had the chance to meet, they were always at each other's throats. When they were away from each other, it seemed the feelings grew. Hazel wondered if the alpha felt the same way. "It's not that," she replied. "I was just thinking about some stuff. It's okay. I accept your offer."

"Thank you," Kai grinned. "Tomorrow you will resume as his maid. The job is simple. Attend to his needs, prepare his bath, make sure he is well dressed for whatever meetings or outings he has, and—"

"I know the job of a maid," Hazel interrupted. "You don't have to lay it out to me."

"Okay, ma'am. I will be on my way now." Kai smiled and spun on his heel. Hazel's voice stopped him.

"Thank you, Kai."

Kai turned back to her. "You don't have to thank me for anything. It's my job to make sure my brother is okay."

"No. It is your job to help the alpha in whatever way you can to make sure the pack runs smoothly."

"And I just did that. Dallan will be able to handle the pack better with you by his side. Your job as his maid will be a great start. See you tonight on the field."

"What field?" Hazel frowned. "What is going on?"

"They are celebrating the warriors' return with you." Kai saw concern flash across her eyes. She did not look like someone who would get scared of a crowd, so he could not place his fingers on what caused that look in her eyes. "Don't worry, I will be in charge of everything," he assured her. "Just corporate with me. We will make things work. Who knows, you could even get your freedom and go to the ocean whenever you want."

Was that even a probability?

Kai smiled so brightly that he feared a part of his face would break. The smile faded when he saw Hazel. She did not look enthusiastic one bit. He expected her to be happy, even ecstatic that there was a chance she could see her family and friends again. He felt tempted to ask about her powers. But Abe's words about time revealing everything came to mind and he let the topic rest.

"Thank you, Kai. If you don't mind, I will like to get some rest."

"Yes, you should. See you later."


Dallan sat on the chair facing his window. From this angle, he had a very good view of the field. The premises was finely decorated with flowers and linens wound around lamp poles. It was already late in the evening and almost time for bed, but Dallan knew the pack was just warming up for the celebration.

Wolves had something with staying up at night. If anything, it was more thrilling to do things at night than during the day.

Immediately a trumpet sounded, Dallan's heart plummeted.