Dallan's meal

"Fuck," he muttered under his breath. Hazel had a habit of throwing words and questions out of the blue. Words and questions that always made him stutter.

"Is something wrong?" Hazel paused in her steps to ask. "Are you okay?"

"I am fine. Was just lost in thought."

Hazel eyed him suspiciously. "Okay... So, who is Clara?"

She wouldn't stop asking about her! It wasn't like Dallan expected she would. Hazel's stubborn nature would not allow that. "She is... was my mistress..." he said slowly. He ended the sentence in a way that suggested he wasn't done talking. Hazel allowed him to finish. "We used to be a thing."

"Hmm. Why did you guys split?"

"Errm... I wouldn't exactly say that we split. I mean, I want a split but I don't think she is aware of that—yet."

"Ohh," Hazel said in understanding. "You still want to enjoy it while it lasts."

"Gosh, no Hazel. I don't even want to see her anymore. I am not the kind of man you perceive me to be."