Finding Kai

Hazel sat on the bed facing the wolf painting, watching Dallan pace the floor. That wasn't how she planned to spend her evening—not at all. She was supposed to be in Dallan's arms, fucking or cuddling. Or maybe doing one after the other.

She didn't expect someone to suddenly go missing! Especially when Kai was that someone!

Hazel could almost see the heat in Dallan. He was trying to keep his cool, she could see that, but the calmness he was trying to portray didn't hide the storm beneath his blue orbs.


Hazel could feel it inside him. It wasn't too much or too little. Just a steady flow of something between rage and concern—something that made him temporarily inaccessible.

"Dallan," she called softly. Dallan's heels paused. He turned to her, his brows knitted.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Are you okay?"

Dallan shrugged like it was any normal night when he would drink and go to bed. "I am fine... I guess."