The Luna

"There is someone or some people in this pack that are giving outsiders info about us," Dallan began, his eyes narrowing on Kai. "And my guts tells me that it is not the normal people of the pack. I feel that it's someone closer than we think."

Kai had almost forgotten about the issue of the mole in their midst. "Whoever they are, we will get them. What is your plan?"

"You know, Hazel's powers had been released..."

Even though Kai didn't see the connection, he shrugged, "Okay, so?"

"She has this kind of telepathic power to take over someone's mind and force them into doing her will just from a touch."

"Dal, get to the point," Kai grunted. He sat straight.

"I was thinking if Hazel could get into everyone's mind and check them."

Kai's jaw almost touched the ground. He looked Dallan dead in the eye. "Wait... What?!"

"Yeah, I know it sounds crazy but it seems like a good plan."