Memory glitch

Hazel heard total silence.

It wasn't strange since it always turned out this way whenever she was within someone's mind. Every time she possessed someone, it was like finding a path through a maze, weaving through twisted paths. Sometimes, it got overwhelming.

She wasn't expecting to see anything out of the ordinary other than a scared kid—and maybe some relationship issues with the opposite sex. Even though a part of her felt that the boy was hiding something, she was forced to remind herself that he was just a kid.

Hazel trod carefully.

Jake's fear and anxiety made it easy to penetrate his mind and completely take over.

The pictures flashed by. She scanned his memory, intentionally avoiding the images from his childhood. One particular memory attracted her... She zoomed in, frowning... and gasped.

"Baby, you're okay?!" Dallan reached out to steady her as she stumbled back. Hazel ended up in his arms. "Are you okay?"