Luna in charge

Hazel sat on the front porch, almost bored to death.

She didn't realize that Dallan had left the pack until she came outside and heard from Abe that he went with Kai for a run. Wolves...

Their specie was a very peculiar one. Just like vampires who needed blood to be efficient, wolves had to go for regular hunts to get meat—fresh meat. It also worked if it was brought to them, but it wasn't as effective as when they hunted for it themselves.

Hazel sighed. It had been so long that she went for a swim. She had a lot to do. After her mating ceremony with Dallan, there would be enough time for that.

As she sat, she heard a howl. It sounded exactly like a wolf.

Was that Dallan?

The howl seemed to alert the pack. More than six men at the gate ran out of the gate.

Hazel frowned. Were they also going for a hunt? Or was there some sort of trouble?

As Hazel stood up from the front porch, one of the warriors at the front of the house approached her and bowed respectfully.