Chapter # 24

... I watch with faze how your glimmering eyes shine through the twilight; being enticed by it, I allow myself to soar through the skies that have seen your caliginous days so that I can illuminate them with my love...

Lawrence POV:-

The strong feeling of displeasure anticipated by the fact that I have to leave my wife for work is killing me. Her eyes flicker with sorrow when I leave.

The distress in her eyes is clear yet she smiled. I felt deep remorse. I didn't want to break her heart but I did. With my heart filled with consternation I left saying sorry for my unwanted deed.

I know no matter how much I apologize, I can't make up for it. I left her at our reception. Our marriage already happened in a hurry and now this.

All because of the despicable meeting.

Adrian is not skilled enough to handle this and father is not in the condition to travel, that leaves me, I am also busy. I have to stay with my wife but no, my matters don't matter.