Chapter # 43

... I have a dream. You come in my dream. I have become yours and you have become mine in it and I wish that I will never wake up from it...

Evelyn POV:-

"Skyler!" I called out to my one-year-old daughter who has recently learned how to walk and grew 6 teeth. We all are amazed at the fact how she is growing that fast.

Since she is the only baby and the joy of the house she is near everyone's heart. I walked downstairs and saw Adrian and Lawrence playing tag with Skyler.

I sighed and bent and called her, "Skyler."

Upon hearing my voice she came running towards me and hugged me. I picked her up and tickled her. I kissed her forehead and took her with me to feed her. The hardest task ever.

"Skyler!" I called her name childishly so when she opened her mouth I could shove the spoon of vermicelli in her mouth and she did.

I fed her and after washing her face which was always decorated with the food she ate, We went down.