Chapter 17

“This isn’t totally ominous.” Kirk muttered.

“Ssh!” Felicia hissed. “Just make sure that you’ve got everything ready.” She handed Kirk the flashlight before she slowly walked forward, crouching down a bit. “Hey there, buddy.”

Felicia was trying to have a friendly, non-violent demeanour and stance, but to Kirk, she looked more like a predator getting ready to pounce on their prey.

Peaches got ready to attack, but Felicia moved first. She leaped onto the dog, and they rolled around on the floor, each of them trying to get the upper hand.

Felicia knew that a bite from an animal as large as a Rottweiler could mean death, which just made the battle that much more harrowing. She finally got Peaches pinned to the ground, and she pushed her hands down on Peaches’ head, the rest of her body trying to lay on Peaches so that he couldn’t claw either herself or Kirk.

“Kirk, now!”

Kirk ran forward, but he tripped over his feet and dropped the syringe. “Shit!”