Chapter 19

Fortunately, the doctor confirmed that Kirk was going to pull through with only minor damage to his lungs.

“How did you even know that we were in trouble?” Felicia was sitting with Eddie in the hospital cafeteria, Hank was staying with Kirk, who was still out for the count.

“The video feed cut out,” Eddie replied. “The last thing I heard was something about a fire, so I called Detective Reynolds and told him where you guys were at. He wasn’t very happy about it.”

Felicia nodded her head, staring down at her cup of coffee. “I’m so sorry, Eddie.”

“Felicia, it’s not your fault.”

“I didn’t even think about the danger that this might pose to Kirk, or to any of you.”

“Felicia, we all made our choices. It was our choice to help you, we knew what the risks might be.”

“Sabine didn’t, and look what happened to her, she was shot and almost killed because of me. From now on, I’m not involving anyone else but myself.”
