Chapter Forty-Six[ Team Efforts]

Chapter Forty-Six [Team effort]

Daniele is now in a position to take on the duties and commitments necessary to support God's plan for all of her children, especially Dianne and Divine, who aspire to join the team working to advance the spiritual well-being of all God's people by His plan of redemption through repentance of sins and faith in Jesus Christ redemption. Her three older children have all attended Sunday school and grown to respect God, and they have all been extremely supportive of their family's company.

David has prayed for them as well, especially Divine and Dianne who like serving God. It takes a team effort to attain a goal.

The Richardson family has been able to overcome the problem via perseverance and hard effort over many years. Their health is occasionally at risk owing to a loss of energy as a result of working extremely hard while eating very little.