Chapter Fifty-eight [A person with a disability]
As tourists who hoped to visit the Holy Land, the region where our Savior Jesus Christ was born, lived, and died two thousand years ago, Rhoda and Rudolf discover new, legitimate reasons to postpone their journey.
Okay, my sweetheart, if you become irritable, know that no matter what happens between us, I will always be by your side.
As the hired car enters the 3-hour nightstand room for rent so that they can wash and refresh themselves before obtaining a new traveler's visa from the embassy concern, Daniele grins as she makes an honest vow to her cherished, ancient, and aged husband David.
Daniele needs to focus better because she is already becoming slower than David, and she still has a goal to accomplish before they both retire.
She also needs to be open-minded and patient as David enters his senescence stage, which typically happens when he is 73 years old.