Chapter Eighty-seven [ The Rebirth in God's Holy Spirit]

Chapter Eighty-seven [The Rebirth in God's Holy Spirit]

Daniele is invited by the contemplative convent's mother superior to stay longer inside the sanctuary, even though she is already aware that the gate would be locked following the community prayer in the morning.

Knowing from her prior religious training in the semi-contemplative convent that no outsider is permitted to enter and view the inside of the convent because they believed the place to be sacred according to the old saying written in the book of the religious highest order, Daniele attempts to understand the sincerity of the mother superiors' invitation.

However, the mother superior assures Daniele after attempting to ascertain her innermost thoughts by saying,

“We were already working to improve and modify our quality of living to better align with the authentic teachings found in the sacred texts, so don't worry about what other people think or say..” adding,