She sat straight on small chair placed at her window with coffee in hand staring outside her window, envying the love birds that sang on the branch. Trying to know if it was a good bye or love song. Sighing for the third time in five minutes she decided to be productive before Aaron woke up, he is always energetic guess every two years old are. She was 5'5 in height with her caramel skin, baby face that made her forever young with green almond eyes, a pointed nose on top of a small lips. Her curly black hair was in a messy bun. Throwing the now cold coffee into the sink, she couldn't help but stare at the picture on the fridge. She didn't have it in her to move this one picture, of her making a silly face and her better half laughing behind her. She was now coming to terms with what happened, and it has never been easy. She did think her life was well planned and map, but fate had to change everything. She looked at the bare walls that used to have pictures of their adventures but now looked bare. Remembering how she was in a state of denial for the first month, that was the first step of grieving and the hardest, but she had to stay strong for their son her ray of hope that brought her out of darkness. She could still hear his laughter and his words being whispered to her. She wasn't going to tell any one that else they did recommend therapy that would do nothing for her. Sighing she picked his favourite mug, tracing the patterns he did trace if he was here having his morning coffee. 'Let it go Clara you've got to move on for you and Aaron' she repeated her mantra that had gotten her through it all. Flashback 'Come on Lara just this one pic then we can go have something to eat' 'No K am hungry I want to eat now besides we have a lot of pictures already ' She whined. She was hungry, all the shooting and screaming drained her, the only thing she could think of was food and K was not having it. She appreciates the fact he was a photographer but not right now. '..... Come on' He said m pouting, he knew that was he weakness and he was ready to exploit. 'Alright just one but I won't smile cause am hungry' 'Fine with me the light gives you an angelic appearance and I want to capture it, your lose if you frown' he said coaxing her 'who said anything about frowning am making silly face you goose' She said smiling at his excited face, he ran to set the camera and came back to hug her from behind while she fulfilled her promise. That was their last outing, she smiled as the remembered that day. Oh, where are my manners this is Clara knight, the CEO of Knights pastries, and widow. Today was supposed to be their four years anniversary, if only he was alive. With that thought she went up to wake her little sun shine they had things to do. First on their list was his grave and then baking lots of cupcakes to the homeless that was how they celebrated their anniversary and she was not going to change the tradition now.