The Ghoulish Haunted Mansion: Chapter 3

Meanwhile, the boys followed the drumming sound to a door. Bobby opened the door and saw it led to the attic, but the drumming sound stopped once he opened the door. Then the boys went up to the attic and took a look around. When they got to the attic, an old piano started to play itself. Alex said, “Probably just one of those player pianos.” Bobby walked up to the piano and saw the keys moving, but there was no paper roll, metal bar, or punch holes to make the pneumatic system. Then the piano opened up, and a ghost ball came out of it. The ghost ball floated up to the boys and then down the stairs and through the door. Alex said, “I think it wants us to follow it.” Pablo said, “Are you crazy?” Alex said, “Maybe if we do, we’ll see where all these ghosts are coming from.” The boys followed the ghost ball out of the attic and down the upstairs hallway.

Meanwhile, the girls walked back downstairs and got watched by one of the paintings. Then the girls saw a lamp getting lifted in the air. Sam said, “What’s that?” Lou said, “It’s just a lamp.” Sam said, “Then why’s it floating towards us.” The girls looked at the lamp and saw it floating towards them. Then they all screamed in terror and ran for it. While they were running, the light chased after them. The girls ran for the front door so they could get out, but when Helga pulled on it, it wouldn’t budge. Helga said, “We’re still trapped.” Then the lamp floated up to them, and the girls ran into the next room to get away from it. When they got into the next room, they slammed the door shut, and the floating lamp fell to the ground and broke. The girls all took a deep breath, calmed down, and saw they were in the mansion library.

Meanwhile, the boys were following the ghost ball to one of the bedrooms. They opened the door and saw the ghost ball float up to a painting on the wall and vanish. Mike said, “Who do you suppose that is?” Alex said, “I don’t know.” While they were in the bedroom, the phone started to ring. Tom answered it and said, “Hello.” Once he answered it, all he heard was some static coming in through the phone. Tom said, “Hello?” Tom hung up the phone because there was no one on the other line. Mike said, “Who was it?” Tom said, “Nobody, just some static.” Bobby said, “That’s odd.” Pablo said, “Come on, let’s go find the girls.”

The boys looked in the kitchen for the girls and saw stacks of pizzas, French fries, hamburgers, and ice cream on the table. Alex said, “We probably shouldn’t.” Bobby said, “Suspicious, and it’s almost like someone was expecting us for dinner.” Mike said, “Well, you can’t let good food go to waste. Let’s eat.” All five of them sat down at the table and started to eat the food on the table. While they were eating, Violet saw them through the window and saw that they just couldn’t stop eating. When they finished eating, all five of them laid down on the floor because they were all full.

While they were on the floor, the mixer turned on and spilled a bowl of mix on the floor. Then it knocked the toaster in the sink and got caught in the curtains. The mixer twirled the curtains downward, shot the nails from the wall, and the curtains collapsed and fell into the sink with the toaster. Then the bananas on top of the microwave came to life. Then they jumped off the microwave, set the timer, opened the microwave, walked in, and closed the door. Once the bananas closed the microwave, the microwave turned on and started to heat up the bananas.

While they were hiding in the library, the girls heard a smashing sound coming from the kitchen. They quickly ran out of the library and to the kitchen and saw it was a complete mess. They even saw a tower of dishes that were about to fall and break. Lou got worried and quickly ran towards the containers. Then she caught half of them in her left hand and half of them in her right hand. Lou exhaled because the dishes almost broke. Then the rug underneath her feet pulled itself away, and Lou fell to the ground and broke the plates, bowls, and glasses. Susan said, “Nice catch, Lou.”

When they finished talking, they looked on the other side of the table and saw the boys slouched down from eating. Sam said, “Looks like someone had too much to eat.” Mike said, “Could you girls help us up?” Sam said, “Fine.” Emma pulled Alex up, Helga pulled Bobby up, Lou pulled Mike up, Sam pulled Pablo up, and Susan pulled Tom up. The boys looked around and saw the kitchen was a complete mess. Mike said, “Who made this mess? Not us.” Lou said, “We didn’t either.” The kids started to hear footsteps coming from the next room, so they checked it out. When they got there, they saw a shadow going into the library. They followed the shadow to the library, and Mike kicked the door open. Mike said, “Freeze.” All the kids looked around but didn’t see anyone in the library. Mike said, “Lou and I will check it out. The rest of you stay here and stick together.”

Mike and Lou walked into the library and once they got in, the library door shut by itself. Then the record player in the library started to play itself, but Mike turned it off. After Mike turned the record player off, one of the shelves began to fall on him. Once Lou saw the shelf falling, she ran up to Mike and pushed him out of the way. Lou said, “Mike, watch out.” When the shelf hit the ground, it just barely missed both of them. Then the lights in the room started to flicker. Mike said, “What’s going on?” While the lights were flashing, the room temperature started to drop, and it began to get really cold inside. Then the books on the shelves started flying off the shelves and flew all around the room while a gusty wind blew around in the room. Lou said, “I heard of books flying off the shelves, but this is ridiculous.” The others heard Mike and Lou screaming from outside the door and thought they were in trouble, so they decided to help them. Tom opened the door, and they all ran inside. Then a doll on the shelf saw them and laughed evilly.