Chapter Forty

Damian's P.O.V

I watched Sky leave and thought to myself how lucky of a man I am to be paired up with a woman as strong as her. I fall deeper in love each moment I lay my eyes on her. She is all I could ever need.

My gaze wondered back to the misty horizon. The foamy waves hitting the shore with a thunderous clap. I laid on my back with my arms beneath my head drowning in nostalgia, the cold night air blew over my skin. I shuddered. Stars flickered in the sky.

There was only one thing left to make this happiness complete. I have to tell Sky the truth.

The truth that I was there the very night Tylor took her forcibly. This has been on my mind for a long while now. I wasn't in my right mind then. I had just lost Lily. I felt so devastated I didn't care about anything that went on around me. I just wanted Lily back. So I stood and watched as my half-brother molested Sky.